Rebel wellness, motherhood & vibes



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Be a rebel and raise rebels.

Get married and have kids.

Lots of them.

Breastfeed. Co sleep. Baby wear.

Refuse to inject them with poison. EVER.

You don’t need a paediatrician. Find instead a good chiropractor, naturopath, energy healer.

Refuse government indoctrination camps and homeschool or unschool instead.

Teach your children how to defend themselves and the innocent, cook a meal, eat healthy, and heal their bodies with herbs and natural remedies.

Teach them to think for themselves. Teach them to question EVERYTHING.

Teach them how to stand up to bullies and do what is right over what is popular.

Show them fear never prevents death, it only prevents living.

Teach them there is no higher frequency than love.

Teach them public opinion does not equal truth. Teach them to ALWAYS stand on the side of truth, even if they’re standing alone.

Make sure they KNOW they are connected directly to God, and they have unlimited power through Him.

Teach them that they are SOVEREIGN beings, with God-given rights from birth that no one can EVER take away.

And then, stand back and watch them change the world.

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