Fever Phobia


Do you have "Fever Phobia" or a misconception of fevers? Most of our population does!

Our American culture has taught parents to be FEARFUL of fevers. Fevers can be frightening, mostly because they are MISUNDERSTOOD!

“Give me a fever and I can cure the child.”

— Hippocrates

Fever is a GOOD thing. It's the way your body was created to fight off sickness --- we do NOT suppress it!

Fever reducers are right up there with antibiotics on my list of things to avoid for optimal health.

This is what we have done for years, and it has worked so well for us! None of my kiddos have had Tylenol or a fever reducer in almost 16 years. (Remember, I have EIGHT children!).

Most of the time: rest, epsom salt baths with powdered ginger work to bring a fever down-- but I have also successfully used garlic enemas (not as bad as they sound, I PROMISE!) for really high fever, essential oils and homeopathic remedies as well. Belladonna, chamomilla, pulsatilla and cell salt #4.

There are a few traditional herbs that are recommended to treat fever -- yarrow, catnip, ginger, giloy, tulsi (holy basil), neem, black pepper and cloves. Consumption of these have proven to be beneficial. You can buy some delicious teas that work wonderfully, or bulk herbs and make your own tea or tinctures.

There are many natural options without side effects that work WITH your child's body and not against it.

  • Fevers are the body's AWESOME immune response and defense mechanism to combat illness and fight infection!

  • The heat of a fever is what helps to destroy germs, bacteria, and viruses.

  • Fevers increase blood cell soldiers and means a person has an active immune system!!

Glutathione is the body’s most important self-made antioxidant, and acetaminophen depletes glutathione, which can prolong sickness and prevent your body from quickly fighting off infection!

Dr. Tenpenny says: "Fever is one of the most common reasons that parents seek medical attention for their children. In 1980, a paper published by Barton Schmitt, MD contained the results of a survey in which 81 parents were asked their understanding of fever. All parents were inappropriately worried about low-grade fever, with temperatures of 102°F (38.9°C) or less. Most parents (52 percent) believed that fever with a temperature of 104°F (40°C) or less could cause serious neurological side-effects. As a result, almost all parents in the study treated fever aggressively: 85 percent gave anti-fever medications and 68 percent sponged the child with cool water temperatures far below 102°F (39.5°C). Their OVER-concern was designated by Schmitt as “fever phobia.”

“A doctor or parent who worries about bringing down a fever is like a fireman who tries to turn off the fire alarm rather than fight the fire. ~ Dr. Risley

7 Ways To Treat A Fever Naturally

"Repeated forced reduction of childhood fever has been linked to childhood cancer. And eliminating fever will usually cause a secondary infection. When you bring down a fever you start a domino effect toward antibiotic use. In other words, if you want to avoid antibiotics, don’t bring down the fever. Fever reduction suppresses the immune system. Your child is trying to get well himself with the fever and when you bring it down you are opening him up to a secondary bacterial infection that will further entrench the virus or bacteria. It cannot be stressed enough that fever has an important role to play in your child’s overall wellbeing."

Find my top tips to avoid antibiotics here: https://www.rikkijames.com/blog/alternatives-to-antibiotics?fbclid=IwAR2BW63YrUzhA3HmjOCr6ML8bJkbn9ftR7TXugcYyivquAjcmGS0LTCx-UM

Natural Ways to Comfort Your Child With a Fever

Here are a few helpful things you can do when your child has a fever…

  • Fluids – Your child should drink plenty of liquids to prevent dehydration.

  • Electrolyte Replacement – If your child is vomiting or has diarrhea, here is an amazing recipe for an electrolyte drink!

  • 1 quart of water juice of 2-3 lemons

  • 1/3 c. raw honey (or coconut palm sugar if under 1)

  • 1/4-1/2 tsp. Gray Celtic sea salt or pink Himalayan

My kids LOVE this! We turn it into popsicles when someone has tummy bug or isn't feeling well.

Love these as well:

  • Trace Minerals Research - Concentrace Trace Mineral Drops, 8 Fl Oz liquid, Packaging may vary.

  • https://superieurelectrolytes.com/

  • UN-Bundle – It’s a good idea to take your child’s socks off and make sure he/she is not wrapped up in too many blankets or layers of clothing. This could interfere with normal body temperature regulation. Keep the child comfortable

  • Rest – Many times children with a fever still eat, play and seem happy! But, if they are tired let them rest and make sure they are getting their proper amount of sleep to help their body repair itself.

  • Garlic/herbal tea enema -- this will bring down a fever within 30 minutes. (I’ve only used these a couple of times- and these are also how I avoided the ER for dehydration with nasty tummy bug!)

Should Fever Ever be a Concern?

The vast majority of children that come down with a fever are fighting an infection that will go away on its own within a few days (with the fever’s help of course). But, there are a few instances when fever can be the clue for a more serious underlying issue. These instances include:

  • Fever in an infant younger than 3 months in case of severe infection of the blood or brain

  • Fever in a child with a history of febrile convulsions or seizures occurring in only 2-6% of children with high fevers. (source)

  • Immune compromised children with chronic disease like Sickle Cell.

  • Prolonged and unexplained fever lasting longer than a week.

  • Learn more

Let us know below your tips for keeping your littles comfortable when they have a fever!

You can also check out my last post on Alternatives to Antibiotics! Plus some of my favorite Go-to’s!

*disclaimer: I am not a doctor, and do not pretend to be! I’m simply a mama who likes sharing what has worked for me and my family! Please reach out to your health practitioner if you have concerns!*