The Truth About ☠️Fluoride☠️

One of the first things I learned when we changed our lifestyle over 15 years ago, was the danger of fluoride. So I am truly surprised when I see so many people that still have no clue just how toxic fluoride truly is! 


Here is what can GET CONFUSING: 

Fluorine is an element, and can be found naturally in certain foods, water or soil.  (Side note here, just because it’s found in nature still doesn’t make it GOOD for you) 

However, the fluoride that is added to drinking water and most toothpaste is produced SYNTHETICALLY and considered a neurotoxin

You should be diligently AVOIDING fluoride as a family!

One of the known adverse effects of fluoride is insomnia.

Which in turn -  not getting enough sleep is a risk factor for other serious problems like dementia, cancer, heart disease and obesity.

It does this by calcifying the pineal gland. 

The pineal gland is a tiny, pinecone shaped gland located in between the two hemispheres of the brain and outside the blood brain barrier. 

The main function of the pineal gland is to synthesize and secrete the hormone melatonin.

Melatonin is then used to perform three main roles:

  1. maintain the circadian rhythm (sleep-wake cycle)

  2. regulate the onset of puberty in females

  3. help protect the body from cell damage caused by free radicals

When fluoride has accumulated around the pineal gland, it greatly inhibits the production of melatonin, which in turn prevents the body from performing these vital roles needed for good health! 

According to the International Association of Oral Medicine and Toxicology, some of the other fluoride side effects include infertility, bone cancer, heart failure, high blood pressure, thyroid dysfunction, acne and early female puberty. 

Because fluoride inhibits the body’s ability to use iodine, so it’s no surprise that it is linked to thyroid dysfunction. 

MOUNTING scientific evidence suggests fluoride could have harmful neurotoxic effects, especially among formula-fed infants, the elderly, African Americans, and the undernourished. These risks include a decrease in average IQ in children, ADHD, and cognitive impairment in older populations.

“Studies in Canada and Mexico, for example, found associations between fluoride concentrations in pregnant women and adverse outcomes in their children — including lower IQ and greater risk of ADHD and inattention. Another Canadian study found formula-fed infants in regions with fluoridated drinking water had lower non-verbal intelligence scores, compared to those living in non-fluoridated regions. Because formula-fed infants consume more water than breastfed infants, and therefore more fluoride when living in fluoridated areas, they tend to be at greater risk of elevated fluoride exposure. Additionally, regions where more people receive fluoridated drinking water have seen higher rates of ADHD in children and teens, even after adjusting for socioeconomic differences.”

This is one of my favorite short videos on fluoride deception.


If your drinking water contains fluoride, it’s time to get a high-quality water filtration system or seek a different source!! 

I used to recommend a Berkey, but many different studies have come out this past year showing that it is NOT effective in removing contaminants.

I personally called and based on my zip code, they set me up with an under-counter filter that is specific to my municipality- and then it connects to my Kangen machine to create

powerful structured, antioxidant and LIVING water.

If you choose R.O. or distilled remember that you MUST MUST MUST add back in your trace minerals as they are filtered out in the process.

This also goes for your shower/bath! You can absorb the same amount as drinking a full glass of fluoridated water in any regular-length shower.  

You can do a whole home filtration system (again, RO is going to remove the most!) Learn more

Or purchase a specific shower filter, but it won’t remove all of it! View shower filters

If you’re still buying toothpaste with fluoride in an attempt to prevent cavities, it’s time to research and realize there are many NON TOXIC ways that are just as effective in prevention of cavities!

I get it, you didn’t know. 

But NOW YOU DO. And if you need more convincing,


I have SEVERAL links below, each FILLED WITH studies, information and research proving everything above!

Fluoride News


What is Fluoride? Benefits, Risks & Uses

The Truth About Fluoride