The dreaded “C”

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*edit on August 18th 2021:

I wrote this blog at the beginning of all of this crazy- over 18 months ago. Most of the info is exactly what we still use- but I am taking the time to add a LOT of info on Ivermectin and HCQ. Those articles will be at the bottom of the page.

You can also check out this post if you’re wondering about getting the 💉 and need resources:

We also had this virus as a family earlier this year and treated with D (both internally and sitting directly in the sun for 15 min 3x a day) trace minerals, magnesium, selenium, iodine, Ivermectin, and lots of C.

Had it progressed, we were prepared to nebulize with silver and iodine, or hydrogen peroxide and iodine like we do any respiratory virus or infection.*


What exactly is going on with the Coronavirus?! 

I have no idea! 

Whether or not it’s an engineered virus for population control, being caused by recent launch of 5G in Wuhan, toxic air pollution in China, intentional spraying of a highly dangerous chemical.....or it’s all hype and nothing more than a cold to keep us distracted and in fear as a nation, or a combination of some or all of these.....

I’ve been way too far the rabbit hole and read way too much on the subject and honestly, the more I research the more I really don’t have answers! 

But here’s what I DO know:

  • There’s no reason to not continue as normal, with the focus being on building strong immune systems in our family. This means a clean, organic diet with plenty of whole foods, (grass fed and free range meats, raw milks and cheeses, organic or local fruits and veggies) and that is low in sugar and refined foods and high-quality supplements.

    Remember that sugar weakens the immune system.

  • Keeping plenty of vitamin A, C, D, superfoods, electrolytes and iodine in stock is our best route of prevention against ANY virus. We also keep Ivermectin in from our local farm store (many doctors are refusing to prescribe it so best to have it on hand yourself! Info at bottom of page)

  • High quality animal fats are the easiest source of bioavailable A, D, K & E.

  • At First sign of symptoms, Dr Brownstein recommends 4 days of: 1000mc Vitamin C every hour until bowel tolerance is met (Read about vitamin C protocol and bowel tolerance here

  • Check out this link for absolutely INCREDIBLE info on Vit C being used as treatment for the most recent “famous” virus, and see how its being HIGHLY censored. Vitamin C at extremely high doses acts as a potent antiviral, and the Chinese govt has actually started recommending vitamin C at a dose of 200 mg per kg of body weight per day intravenously. This protocol was published by the Chinese Medical Association, but is completely censored and “fact checked” here in the states! learn more here!

  • If you haven’t already, don’t forget to check out my post on the Super Weapon Against all Disease, Vitamin C

  • 100,000 Units a day of Vitamin A (NOT beta carotene and not if you’re pregnant!)

  • 50,000 IU of vitamin D daily

  • Dr Roby Mitchell has a Similar protocol called “Passover protocol” only his is only 2 days, and is 400,000 IU of Vitamin A. The doses of D and C are the same as Dr Brownstein. 

  • They also both recommend iodine, 25 mg/day as a daily dose and more (sometimes 50-100 mg/day) at the first sign of an illness. (Iodine can cause adverse effects and it is best used under the guidance of an iodine-knowledgeable doctor.) I was taught to start extremely slow, and personally started my family with Lugols drops externally first. A couple drops on the belly button and one on the thyroid. We worked our way up and do it both internally and externally now. 

  • Iodine has long been used as an infection killer, and in a recent study done by Dr Brownstein, he found 96% of Americans were deficient!  Here is more info on iodine

Stress management

The hormones of stress/fear/anxiety when expressed for a length of time, will push the genetic buttons that create disease.

So fear and worry will do you absolutely NO GOOD!


super short vidEo on How current hospital protocol is killing your loved ones- and what to do!!

https://www.bitchute .com/video/HdKYHYYYftsM/

Link if you have a loved one in the hospital and your wishes are being ignored:

link to valuable info from Dr. Ardis:

It is SHOCKING when you look at the efficacy and safety of Ivermectin, (and HCQ) yet it is still being highly censored!

PLENTY of good info below, dosing included.

Everything you need to know about the “Cure for Covid-19”

FLCCC Alliance

All Protocols

Hospital Protocol

Prevention and Early Outpatient Protocol

At Home Treatment

How to get Ivermectin

Ivermectin Studies

Doctor to get prescription from after being seen online.

Here is an in depth look at a super simple and cheap remedy that has cured every ailment - ALL viruses, bacteria, funguses, colds, flu, parasites, Cancers......

Comment below what you’re doing (if anything!) to be prepared, or share some fun conspiracy theories you’ve heard!

As usual, this info is just our experience and is not to be used as a replacement for consulting with your practitioner