Vitamin E

If you’ve been following along in this thyroid series, I recently shared how scientists figured out that to help get their cattle to slaughter weight (after previously killing them by adding in PUFAs to fatten them up), they started giving them antibiotics and what else.....?

Vitamin E

Why was this?!

Vitamin E has the incredible ability to protect against some of the damage of polyunsaturated fats! This protection is attributed primarily to the antioxidant properties of vitamin E.

Vitamin E is absolutely one of the most MIRACULOUS and mind-blowing supplements.

If you read any research from Ray Peat, Tom Brimeyer, Matt Blackburn, or any of the current influencers who teach about thyroid/metabolism, they all agree on one thing,

Supplementing with vitamin E is a MUST.

However, there is one thing none of them have learned yet, and I can’t wait or share that with you!

But first, what is so special about E? Especially when it comes to thyroid?

Ray Peat explains (and this is the tiniest snippet from a LOOOONG article detailing why E is so incredible!)

“Many events in the body with inflammation are increased by estrogen, and decreased by vitamin E. Estrogen causes capillaries to become leaky; vitamin E does the opposite. Estrogen increases platelet aggregation, and decreases a factor that inhibits platelet aggregation; vitamin E does the opposite.

Excess clotting is known to be caused by too much estrogen, and also by a vitamin E deficiency.

Clotting leads to fibrosis, and there is clear evidence that vitamin E prevents and cures fibrotic diseases, but this still isn't generally accepted by the powerful medical institutions. Estrogen and polyunsaturated fats increase fibrosis.

Estrogen increases progstaglandin synthesis, vitamin E decreases their synthesis. Estrogen often increases intracellular calcium and protein kinase C, vitamin E has generally opposite effects.

Besides antagonizing some of the end effects of the toxic fatty acids, vitamin E inhibits lipolysis, lowering the concentration of free fatty acids (the opposite of estrogen’s effect), and it also binds to, and inactivates, free fatty acids. “

***Quick tip***

Take a dose of E anytime you have to eat out to help negate the damage, as most restaurants use harmful PUFAs.


(This can take years - so start now!)

  • Stop consuming all PUFAs and switch to saturated fats

  • consistently supplement with vitamin E

  • regularly consume carbohydrates

  • consume animal protein consistently

  • make an effort to reverse estrogen dominance

  • make reducing stress a PRIORITY

The liver needs glycogen (carbs/sugars) to detox PUFAs and the body needs vitamin E because PUFAs create a vitamin E deficiency. We have been consuming them in large amounts our entire lives!

Ready for me to blow your mind EVEN MORE? All of the above research was done on tocopherols- when there is an even more powerful type of E.


Recent laboratory studies show tocotrienols to have between 40-60 times higher antioxidant activity against lipid oxidation than tocopherols!

Dr Barrie Tan (hailed as a trailblazer and the world’s foremost expert on vitamin E and the scientist who discovered Anatto tocotrienols) shares that his discovery, “ Might Be The Most Important Antioxidant Discovery In Our Lifetime”,

I had the privilege of chatting with Dr Tan in September and he is such a brilliant human. According to him:


  1. Increase Life Expectancy in Cancer Patients

  2. Support Cardiovascular Health

  3. Improve Bone Health

  4. Reduce Fat in Liver

  5. Promote Cell Health

  6. Keep Inflammation at Bay

  7. Uphold a Healthy Blood Sugar Level

  8. Boost Brain Health

  9. Reverse Skin Health

  10. Provide Radiation Protection.

Read more here

Disclaimer: Medical Disclaimer. The information posted is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It is for general information purposes only.