Two Simple Ways to Quickly Improve Thyroid Health!

As we learned in previous posts, estrogen dominance is the main cause of hormonal imbalance.

One way to help clear excess estrogen is by eating raw carrots.

Yarrow Fox shares,

“Hormone researcher Dr. Ray Peat found that consuming just one medium sized raw carrot a day for three days in a row significantly reduced harmful, excess estrogen and helped balance thyroid hormones.

Carrots are fibrous vegetables that grow underground. To protect themselves from the moist environment, carrots produce anti-bacterial and anti-fungal substances. These anti-microbial fibres help prevent bacterial and fungal overgrowth of the intestine. They don’t feed the bad bacteria or yeasts in our gut which can overburden our liver.

These compounds have a very unique ratio of soluble and insoluble fibre that helps eliminate constipation, one of the leading causes of a backed up liver and imbalanced hormones. A healthy liver is essential for overall health and one of its functions is to detoxify estrogen and convert the storage thyroid hormone T4 to the active thyroid hormone T3.

This fibre is able to bind with excess estrogen and sweep it out of the digestive tract. It also prevents bound excess estrogen from getting reabsorbed in the gut, which can happen in people with sluggish digestion. Carrot fibre also helps keep the upper intestine clear supporting good gut health, protecting the bowel and improves hormones and immunity.

Eating a daily raw carrot salad is a wonderful way to support your body! “


• 1 medium carrot, ideally organic,

rinse, don't peel (baby carrots

WONT work!)

• 1 teaspoon olive oil

• 1 teaspoon coconut oil

• ½ teaspoon apple cider vinegar

or more to taste

• pinch of sea salt

• freshly grated pepper


• Gate, spiralize or peel carrots

and mix with remaining

ingredients in a bowl. Consume


Because I HATE raw carrots, bamboo shoots are my favorite way to help unblock the Thyroid Hormone Pathway.

Bamboo shoots work just like carrot salad does, and helps unblock your liver by lowering your dangerous gut bacteria and the endotoxin that these bacteria produce.

Most people with thyroid issues also suffer from bacterial overgrowth in the intestines.

And these bacteria produce large amounts of a substance called endotoxin.

When you have large amounts of endotoxin it over-burdens your liver and prevents your liver from producing and storing sugar in the form of glycogen.

And remember — without adequate glycogen, your liver becomes blocked and cannot convert thyroid hormone into the active form.

Bamboo shoots and raw carrots are both extremely effective in cleaning up this bacterial overgrowth and endotoxin, so your liver can effectively to its job.

Bamboo shoots also help to unblock your thyroid gland by absorbing excess estrogen. Without adequate liver glycogen, your liver can’t detoxify excess estrogen.

Starving our bodies of sugar?! This is one of the side effects!

When your liver cannot detox properly, excess estrogen is dumped into your digestive tract, where it ends up getting re-absorbed again and again.

This creates a very thyroid-suppressive cycle where your body becomes unable to rid itself of excessive estrogen that continues to build up over time.

It is detrimental on our bodies when estrogen becomes excessive. When it comes to thyroid function, it directly blocks the proteolytic enzymes necessary for your thyroid gland to release its stored thyroid hormone into your bloodstream.

Bamboo shoots also work like a sponge to trap estrogen and prevent it from being re-absorbed.

This not only rids your body of excess estrogen, it also helps your thyroid gland release more thyroid hormone.

We buy our bamboo shoots canned, so they’re ready to use right away. Simply blend up in a blender and take a tablespoon 2-3 times per day. We store them in a mason jar in the fridge. If they’re not canned, You’ll need to boil them for a few minutes first to sterilize them. (You can usually find them in the Asian food aisle)

So take your pick between carrot salad or bamboo shoots, and then make sure you are consuming one or the other EVERY DAY!

These are truly two of the simplest ways to not only quickly improve thyroid health, but aids in weight loss. It is very difficult to lose weight with excess estrogen hanging in the body!

Disclaimer: Medical Disclaimer. The information posted is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It is for general information purposes only.


Disclaimer: Medical Disclaimer. The information posted is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It is for general information purposes only. 〰️