Avoiding Glasses and Healing the Eyes

A few years go we were in a small grocery store and the kids were playing with the reading glasses. Most of them laughing and saying how squiggly it made everything around them…..except Caiya. She actually said the opposite and said they actually made her see CLEAR!! YIKES!!!! 

We tried several different pairs on her, and some helped more than others, but the one thing that was apparent was that she could see BETTER with glasses. 

So I got home and got to researching! I found several different products that claimed to help, and I researched all of those ingredients individually. 

From what I found, the main causes of eyesight degeneration were :

Blood sugar issues (diabetic retinopathy, the leading cause of adult blindness in the West)

Lack of basic nutrients/fats (specifically good fats and omegas)

Lack of basic minerals and trace minerals (magnesium being one of the main ones, copper and zinc showed up a lot as well- but these trace minerals must be taken with many others, as minerals regulate one another!) 

Deficiency in methylated Bs

I addressed it immediately in many different ways.

Blood sugar was addressed by making sure her meals were well-rounded, with lots of protein and good fats. We already ate mostly organic and pretty clean, but that was in October were we have 2 birthdays and Halloween so lots of extra sweets.

We DO eat sugar in our family. We just do it in moderation and make most of what we eat from scratch. (Organic NON enriched flour, grass fed butter, free range or local eggs, organic or raw sugar)

So I made sure if she got anything sweet, it was only a few times a week and AFTER a meal. No skipping meals either, eating when waking is a must and eating before bed is too. (Always good fats and plenty of protein) And many of the supplements I list below are also beneficial for supporting healthy blood sugars

She took Epsom salt baths, and took internal and external magnesium, DAILY. (External is so important for max absorption)

She took more than one omega, and I also made sure she got these extra fats in her diet (But check out my post on PUFAS and avoiding certain omegas as they can oxidize quickly in the body https://www.rikkijames.com/blog/polyunsaturated-fats-amp-thyroid-function )

Raw milk, grass fed beef, raw cheese, pasture raised bacon, lots of eggs (high in choline which is CRUCIAL for eyesight) COOKED greens and veggies high in Lutein as well as a supplement with lutein, and daily shakes full of powerful fruits high in antioxidants and polyphenols

There are a few supplements and herbs that are also incredible for eyesight and brain function, choline, lutein,  zeaxanthin ,ginkgo, Hawthorne, DMAE, amino acids and herbs that increase nitric oxide- (as increasing circulation is HUGE when it comes to healthy eyes/brain) daily trace minerals are also a must. 

Vitamin E has long been known as a powerful antioxidant to support eye health, but specifically tocotrienols are even MORE beneficial! “ In macular degeneration, abnormal neovascularization in the retina beneath the macula leads to loss of central vision and leaking blood vessels that push up the retina. “   There is also research on tocotrienols and cataracts, glaucoma and Diabetic retinopathy.

 So we didn’t just do normal doses, we upped it to 2-3x recommended short term until her issues resolved

A couple of other things I found to help that were NOT supplements were pinhole glasses (your eye muscles need regular exercise in order to maintain optimal fitness just like the other muscles in your body!) https://www.healthrangerstore.com/products/groovy-bee-pinhole-glasses-sports-style

 and NAC eye drops. (Dr Roby Mitchell used these drops alone to heal his eyes after wearing glasses for 50 years) https://nacdrops.com/

Was this a lot? YES. But I was determined to reverse this because a lifetime of glasses wasn’t an option! 

We noticed a huge difference in only a couple of weeks, and by the time we went back to the store, all of the glasses were too strong for her and she was seeing clearly. 

We have done this same thing with two of the other kids, and our teen son when his eyes start to hurt and get really dry. 

Anytime the kids tell me their eyes are starting to get fuzzy or they can’t see clearly, we simply do all of the above things and within a short time they’re balanced again. 

Same goes with me! I can tell the times I need extra support, especially after being sick or even from being pregnant and nursing so long. I take my eye health very seriously!!

I prefer to be on the smallest amount of supplements as possible and get most of our daily nutritional needs through diet. But life happens, and we are surrounded with so many toxins that imbalance within the body happens easily and often. When it does happen, we simply address the imbalance with supplements and diet, and watch our bodies respond! 


It just takes consistency and a good diet/ supplementation ! 

 when we are trying to HEAL- I take EXTRA lutein, zeaxanthin, choline and DHA either in our diet and in another supplement.

Here are several of my other favorite brands:






Although I don’t use this anymore, I have used it in past with success :
