Airport Travels: Why we always opt out and refuse the body scan!

How many of you guys opt out when flying? We always have to allot for extra time so we can all get the stupid pat down at airport security.

No way in hell are we going through those ridiculous scanners! Calix gets a terrible headache when we even get within 100ft of them! (This is my vaccine injured son- so he likely still has heavy metals in his brain. We are always working on chelating /detoxing this!)

Not only are they a disgusting invasion of privacy, (they’re dubbed “naked” scanners because they give a graphic image of your body, including genitalia and other personal effects like sanitary napkins) ......

But they are not even remotely proven “safe”! In fact, there are many experts and organizations (like the U.S. Airline Pilots Association) who have voiced their concerns over the health hazards that come along with such exposure to ionizing radiation.

Backscatter X-ray uses ionizing radiation, a known cumulative health hazard. Children, pregnant women, the elderly, and those with defective DNA repair mechanisms are considered to be especially susceptible to the type of DNA damage caused by ionizing radiation. Also at high risk are those who have had, or currently have, skin cancer.

Ionizing radiation’s effects are cumulative, meaning that each time you are exposed you are adding to your risk of developing cancer. Since the dosage of radiation from the backscatter X-ray machines is absorbed almost entirely by the skin and tissue directly under the skin, averaging the dose over the whole body gives an inaccurate picture of the actual harm.

(Because the radiation beam from the scanners concentrates on your skin, researchers believe the dose may be up to 20 times higher than is being estimated.)

Many children and people with gene mutations, may be at increased risk as they are less able to repair the DNA damage caused by the X-ray scan.

Ionizing radiation is a uniquely potent mutagen due to its ability to wreak havoc upon your cells and their genetic code.

Your cells are unable to repair the very complex genetic damage done by X-rays. Some of the mutated cells die, but others do not, and the cells that go on living have a proliferative advantage — giving rise to the most aggressive cancers.

Unlike some other mutagens, X-rays have access to the genetic molecules of every one of your internal organs, if the organ is within range of the X-ray beam. Even a single high-speed, high-energy electron, set into motion by an X-ray photon, can bounce around and cause you irreparable damage. In my opinion there doesn’t seem to be a safe dose of X-rays.

Further, the effects of radiation are cumulative, which means that every time you walk through an airport scanner, you’re adding to your dose. If you fly frequently or you’re exposed to other forms of radiation through CT scans, mammograms and other medical procedures, you could easily be on radiation overload.

For more information on this, check out these links:

Airport Scanners: Radiation Is Not the Only Health-Hazard

How Safe is an Airport Full Body Scanner?

How to Minimize Your EMF Exposure When Traveling

I suggest just saying NO, and arriving earlier at the airport so you have plenty of time for a pat down. We have come across plenty of angry TSA workers who are super annoyed that we chose to opt out, but it is YOUR RIGHT to do so!!

Make sure you give your body a shot at protection - one of the most simple ways is to make sure you are not deficient in iodine. Check out my post on iodine here