Welcome to my blog, Rebel Rikki!


So excited to share with you guys what I have been working on for the past several months!

I finally get to introduce my blog- Rebel Rikki !!!


I’ve always been a bit of a rebel, and have thought outside the box as long as I can remember.

Although my school years were full of straight A’s, sports, cheerleading and many extra curricular activities— conventional school bugged me!

So I decided to graduate early and move to Europe. I quit anything extra, enrolled in several colleges courses, and graduated at the age of 16. (This was long before you could get dual credits in high school!).

I grew up on the all American diet of Oreos and hamburger helper. Besides being active and loving sports, I didn’t know a thing about health!

It wasn’t until I moved to France that I experienced the beauty of quality food and saw true health.

After spending an impressionable and incredible year in France and traveling Europe, I moved back home to Texas where I met my soulmate and did another crazy thing.....

We got married!

I was married at the age of 18, opened our first business when I was 19, and we had our first beautiful baby girl when I was only 20.

I knew the moment this babe was born that I would homeschool. I had no clue what exactly that would entail, I didn’t know anyone else who homeschooled, and it sure wasn’t mainstream! But I knew it was right for us.

It was only 3 years later that we welcomed our second baby, a perfect little boy.

When this little guy was 2 months old, he had a severe reaction to his 2 month vaccinations.

This changed EVERYTHING for us.

I dove into holistic health (long before it was trending and way before organic sections were a part of grocery stores), herbs sounded like a foreign language to me – but I had this deep desire to unravel the years of the conventional American diet and lifestyle, and the causes of western disease.

The more I researched, the easier it was to be brave.

It became my calling to empower and help others.

If I could do this, ANYONE could!

We have since had 5 more amazing babies, and I fell in love with home births along the way.

In the last 15 years we have experienced beautiful health, with zero ear infections, allergies, asthma, or eczema.
No one has had antibiotics, prescription or OTC drugs, hospitalizations for an illness, or have any chronic disease at all.
No one has tubes put in their ears, adenoids,
tonsils or gallbladders removed.

I have shared this information freely with people for almost 15 years.

Helping people become brave enough to buck ALL of the conventional systems—

You don’t have to have health problems.

You don’t have to send your kids to school.

You don’t have to be a slave to Big Pharma.

You don’t have to work a 9-5 job.

You don’t have to be stuck in a poor mindset.

You CAN believe in yourself and know that you’re 100% capable of changing your life and your family’s life, and generations to and achieving your dreams!

I am raising seven world changers to be critical thinkers.

I started this blog so I would have a place to easily share all of what I have personally found most helpful in raising my family.
And if you struggle with any of these issues, it is YOU and YOUR family that empowers me to share!
I share to show you what is possible!

To NORMALIZE WELLNESS. To normalize beautiful, intact and vibrant immune systems!

To show you how powerful you are, what you are really capable of!

To help inspire you to keep their power, and stop giving it away so freely.

To think outside the box, question everything, and really learn to trust your intuition.

Rebel Rikki is a peek into everything I love and am passionate about!

I hope to inspire and empower as I share how I am unconventionally living out my rebel life.

I have never pretended to be perfect either, so promise to always be authentic 🙌🏼
