Posts in Holistic Lifestyle
Airport Travels: Why we always opt out and refuse the body scan!

Ionizing radiation’s effects are cumulative, meaning that each time you are exposed you are adding to your risk of developing cancer. Since the dosage of radiation from the backscatter X-ray machines is absorbed almost entirely by the skin and tissue directly under the skin, averaging the dose over the whole body gives an inaccurate picture of the actual harm. We have come across plenty of angry TSA workers who are super annoyed that we chose to opt out, but it is YOUR RIGHT to do so!!

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How many of you know how important it is to be out in the dirt or grass daily? How often are you barefoot outside?!

Our bodies are made up of energy-- and being grounded can make a huge difference in your health and life.

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Fever Phobia

Our American culture has taught parents to be FEARFUL of fevers. Fevers can be frightening, mostly because they are MISUNDERSTOOD! Fever is a GOOD thing. It's the way your body was created to fight off sickness --- do NOT suppress it!

Fever reducers are right up there with antibiotics on my list of things to avoid for optimal health. And here is why…

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Holiday Weight Gain Prevention Tips

I graduated when I was 16 and moved to France as an exchange student for a year. I lived with a few different and beautiful French families, and learned SO MUCH about health, nutrition, and staying fit while NOT dieting.

I’ll do a more in depth post on this book/lifestyle and the principals later, but for now, I want to give you a few of my favorite tips for surviving the upcoming holidays without weight gain!!!

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Welcome to my blog, Rebel Rikki!

So excited to share with you guys what I have been working on for the past several months!
I finally get to introduce my blog- Rebel Rikki !!!

I started this blog so I would have a place to easily share all of what I have personally found most helpful in raising my family. And if you struggle with any of these issues, it is YOU and YOUR family that empowers me to share!
I share to show you what is possible!

To NORMALIZE WELLNESS. To normalize beautiful, intact and vibrant immune systems!
To show you how powerful you are, what you are really capable of!
To help inspire you to keep their power, and stop giving it away so freely.
To think outside the box, question everything, and really learn to trust your intuition.

Rebel Rikki is a peek into everything I love and am passionate about!

I hope to inspire and empower as I share how I am unconventionally living out my rebel life.

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Rikki - IRL

Social media is so funny!! There’s a super thin line between being real and airing your shit for everyone to see. Or between being authentic but also preferring that not everyone knows about ALL of your struggles, hardships or failures. On the flip side, balancing the positive without pretending perfection is also tough. I don’t mind being a role model. In fact, one of my very favorite things EVER is to empower others.

So here’s your reminder that social media is a very small and controlled peek into someone’s life!

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