Your tonsils and adenoids are much more important than you’ve been told. Here’s why.

Did you guys know that the adenoids and tonsils are an intricate part of your immune system?!

Removing either of these is like unplugging the check engine light when it comes on in your car instead finding out WHY the light is on!

You MUST address the root cause!

The lymphatic system is made up of glands, lymph nodes, and a network of vessels. The tonsils, spleen, thymus, and adenoids are the glands of the lymphatic system. This system plays three major roles in the body: Immunological defense, fat absorption, and fluid balance. If the lymphatic system isn't working properly, our bodies cannot fight disease or remove toxins.

This is why it crucial to keep the fluid of the lymphatic system (lymph) moving!

Hello rebounding!!!!!

In the 1950s when the United States was still dealing with epidemic outbreaks of polio, researchers discovered that children who had had their tonsils removed were three times more likely to contract bulbar polio (infecting the bulbar portion of the brain stem), than children who retained their tonsils.

It wasn't until the 1960s that researchers began to understand the important role the tonsils played in immunity. As was discovered, tonsils are the first line of defense against pathogens, including poliovirus. Tonsils are filled with lymphocytes which detect harmful intruders and fight off infections. When danger is discovered, the tonsils swell with these guardian cells to ward off the invaders, a process which often causes a sore throat. Physicians mistakenly believed the presence of a chronic sore throat indicated a dysfunction of the tonsils, which lead to the common practice of removing the swollen tissue (also known as a tonsillectomy)

In 2012, researchers discovered the tonsil " a 'factory' for immune cells" - specifically, for T-cells. T-cells are vital for fighting viruses and cancers caused by viruses (like lymphoma or sarcoma) and T-cells play a role in auto-immune diseases.

A study published in the April 2014 issue of Otolaryngology -- Head and Neck Surgery. Researchers from Penn State University (PSU) and several other institutions learned that, despite the popularity of the procedure, as many as 20 percent of all adult patients who undergo a tonsillectomy suffer from complications, including postoperative hemorrhage.

There are so many super simple ways to heal your child if they have reoccurring ear/throat/sinus infections, or inflamed swollen adenoids and tonsils.

  • Reduce inflammation so that the ear can drain properly. Inflammation is a response from your immune system and is many times caused by bad bacteria overgrowth, so you must address your gut health. My favorite anti inflammatory product is here:

    These proteolytic enzymes help digest certain types of protein and dissolve inflammation in the body. They break down dead tissue and reduce swelling/ pain in the process. Serrapeptase also affects mucus production and can also break down mucus/phlegm fibrin to help improve drainage.
    The dead tissue from injury, arterial plaque, blood clots, and cysts all contain and/or produce proteins and these enzymes are crucial to help in their removal.

    Proteolytic enzymes are incredible to aid in cleaning the bloodstream and soft tissues and promote healthy digestion by breaking down these harmful proteins.

  • Overuse of antibiotics can make your situation worse - Check out tips to fight infections and avoid antibiotics here.

  • Repeated overgrowths are what cause strep, staph, E. coli (bladder "infections"), acne, ear "infections", vaginal yeast, and should be a wake up call!!

  • Remove common food allergies -- (usually pasteurized milk, sugar and wheat) and add in some good foods that help kill bad bacteria. Adding a good digestive enzyme so that you’re digesting and breaking down your food properly can be life changing! Here is my favorite:

  • Address seasonal allergies. Many times getting rid of overgrowth and underlying infections will resolve seasonal allergies as well, but sometimes you might need more immune support. A good air filter for the house can also have a major impact on your health. Air Doctor is one we love, and we also have a whole-home one from here but there are many great ones!

  • Imbalanced Microbiome in the gut is one of the most common reasons for creating both seasonal and food allergies. 

    Your gut microbiome is responsible for 75 % of your immune response and allows your body to differentiate between safe environmental particles, (like dust, pollen, weeds), and unsafe environmental particles (like mold, chemicals, Candida, bad bacteria, viruses).

    When your gut flora is unbalanced there can be an oversensitivity to safe environmental particles and food groups. This may not only increase your risk of pollen and other seasonal allergies, but also increase your risk of asthma, autoimmune conditions, chronic inflammation, gut issues and food allergies. 

  • Addressing nose breathing vs mouth breathing (check out this post with more details on this)!

  • Chiropractic care aligns your spine and allows for proper drainage.

Once again-- good health is SUPER SIMPLE! It’s not always easy, but usually the cause is simple.

Please research before allowing surgery to remove any body part!

I promise there is a reason for it.

Also-- if you have been able to avoid tubes, tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy please share your story below!!

Now, ready to dive deeper? Check out these links below!

Ear Tubes May Not Have Long-Term Benefits for Kids with Ear Infection

Adenoids Without Surgery - Improve Your Child's Breathing – Breathing Center

Spinal Subluxation and Tonsillitis