Alternatives to Antibiotics

Did you know......

Antibiotics do NOT discriminate and go in and wipe away ALL bacteria, good and bad!

Antibiotics should really be reserved for life-threatening situations!

Most issues that antibiotics are used for (ear, sinus, bladder infections-- or even for acne ) are a huge red flag that there is an overgrowth of bad bacteria. In this article, Frequent Sinus and Ear Infections Often a Sign of Gut Problem, Harry Hong, Ph.D., Licensed Acupuncturist, going into depth about infections and how they relate to your gut.

So antibiotics are only going to work short term, and in the long run they're going to make things worse because they wipe out your probiotics and your bad guys will REALLY go wild then!! Find out why.

With this over-use of antibiotics, we are creating SUPERBUGS, that are becoming antibiotic resistant-- and that is a SCARY place to be!!!

ONE COURSE of antibiotics damages the immune system, and increases the likelihood of systemic inflammation, carcinogenesis, and oxidative stress in the gut, and the damage lasts as long as a FULL YEAR. Only ONE COURSE of antibiotics increases your rate of depression within the next 12 months 25%, and TWO COURSES or more of antibiotics increases the risk of major depression within the next 12 months 60%.

There is a strong correlation between antibiotic use and mood disorders (anxiety, panic attack, depression). Listen to the The Rich Roll Podcast featuring Zach Bush, M.D. on GMO’s, Glyphosate, and Healing the Gut.

There are seriously SO MANY AMAZING and easy ways to avoid antibiotics and kick sickness naturally!

I'm going to list a few of my favorites, and you guys please share your favorite ways in the comments!

  • Silver Hydrosol or Structured Silver can be used internally, (throat, viruses, mouth issues, in ear for ear infection, directly in the eyes for eye infections, sprayed in nose for sinus infections) and externally (minor cuts and burns, all sorts of rashes, skin issues and acne) It can also be used in a nebulizers to quickly kill off bronchial infections!

  • Iodine works in your body much like chlorine works in a pool, by killing off bad bacteria. Iodine drops can be taken internally, and applied externally. (Diluted in ears for infections, on pelvis for bladder/kidney infection, drop on belly button for stomach viruses....) Iodine is also extremely beneficial for your thyroid, which is nicknamed the "spark plug" in your body! Learn more about iodine! and check out here why this is one of the most important supplements in our home

  • Black seed oil can be used internally for any virus, bacteria, fungus, yeast, parasite, and externally can be diluted with coconut oil and used on tumors and rashes. (I've also successfully used it on my breasts to quickly kick Mastitis!) Black seed oil benefits

  • Oil of oregano is similar to black seed oil and can be used in the same way

  • Garlic can be made into an effective infection-killing tea by chopping and covering with hot tea or water, 2T lemon juice or ACV, pinch of cayenne and manuka honey to flavor. You can also just chop the garlic and swallow with water like pills and drink the tea separately! Garlic can also be combined with coconut oil and made into drops for ear infections, and made into poultice on the chest for bronchial infections.

  • Cayenne pepper is AMAZING. When combined with garlic, it is more powerful than antibiotics or penicillin. It will stop a heart attack in its tracks, stop internal and external bleeding, and when combined with other herbs acts as a catalyst, making its counterpart 10x as effective.
    f "If you master only one herb in your life, master cayenne pepper. It is more powerful than any other." Dr. Schulze

  • Manuka honey is a SUPERFOOD honey. This can be used internally and externally on wounds, fungus, burns and rashes

  • Hydrochloric acid is a fancy name for what is just a stomach acid supplement! It has been effective in killing off any and all infections and viruses. It's also powerful against cancer, and kills Candida. Learn more about HCL

….. A few more tidbits on Hydrochloric acid

  • If you have taken antibiotics recently and feel like crap and need to recover, get some great digestive enzymes (my favorite is Enrich from Tranont ) probiotics and hydrochloric acid, and give yourself TIME! It's going to take a bit to recover and heal your gut!

  • You can also make a tea to help your body produce more HCL instead of purchasing a supplement. It’s very similar to the garlic tea above and is 1-2 T ACV, local raw honey to taste and a pinch of cayenne in warm water or herbal tea. Do this for 2 weeks 30 min before two meals to dramatically improve gut function after antibiotics! (Or if you have an issue producing HCL!)

If you're dealing with a really sore throat, clogged ears or ear infection, I suggest doing the 2 lymphatic drainage massage videos posted below, along with some of the info above. I have helped the most painful throat and ear aches within 40 minutes of getting the lymphs draining! You'll feel it right away!! 2 lymphatic drainage massage video

  • for sinus infections, we use a combination of all of these! The drainage above, internal support- but we also alternate silver spray in the nasal passages with a probiotic nasal spray to repopulate good bacteria. I also love anti-inflammatory herbs, proteolytic enzyme supplements (like turmeric, bromelain, serrapeptase, Protease, N-Acetyl Cysteine) to help thin the mucous and reduce inflammation in the sinus passages.

  • Anti inflammatory supplements are also a good thing to take right before you do the drainage massage to reduce inflammation and get things draining for ear infections. Garlic oil, essential oils like tea tree, lavender can also be used around the ear to help drain and kill infection.

  • My favorite detox bath while fighting any sickness:

4-6 cups Epsom Salt (Magnesium Sulfate)

32 to 64 fluid Ounces of Hydrogen Peroxide (3%, as found in grocery stores)

2-4 Tablespoons of Ginger (fresh grated preferably, wrapped in a thin piece of cloth or in a tea ball. An old piece of nylon hose also works well.)

  • Elderberry syrup is SO SIMPLE to make and SO EFFECTIVE in boosting immunity and kicking the flu.

  • D-mannose is a naturally occurring sugar (like what is found in cranberries but much more concentrated!) that sticks to the E. coli bacteria that most commonly causes UTIs, so it can be effectively “rinsed” out when you urinate! This is a miracle for those with reoccurring bladder infections!

  • Monolaurin is a component of coconut oil. It boosts immunity and treats bacterial, viral and fungal infections. Super helpful for EBV, herpes, lymes, and many other types of infections!

Favorite anti inflammatory supplements and for sinus infections :