Posts in Holistic Health
Did you know that the 3rd cause of death in the United States is by hospital?

The United States has 50% more first-day deaths than all other industrialized countries combined. A child born in the United States has a 70% greater chance of death than all other first world countries. 54% of our children are on a prescription and have serious illness or auto immune disease.

This is the first generation where we are expected to outlive our children’s generation!

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10 Things You Should Know About Feminine Hygiene Products

What’s in your feminine products? And how are they related to common reproductive health issues? I spend a lot of time visiting with women about female issues(everything from fertility, heavy periods, cramps/hormonal issues...) and people are always shocked to know how dangerous conventional pads and tampons are for you! 

Here are 10 things you should know about feminine hygiene products and how it relates to reproductive health issues.

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