How Gut Health Affects Your Mental Health

Gut brain connection

This is one of my favorite topics to discuss!!!

The gut-brain relationship is so underrated. Reliable information on this is hard to come by, and is often censored. So no wonder so many of us are unaware that there is a correlation between your health and the state of your gut.

I'm here to give you guys some info on anxiety, depression, and behavior issues (like ADHD!) and how your gut has a lot to do with it.

Did you know💡

  • 1 in 4 women of childbearing age are on medications for depression/anxiety.

  • Depression is NOT neurotransmitter deficiency!! 

  • There is an over-diagnosis when it comes to depression along with over-treatment with medications.

  • Most people are not aware of the long term effects and risks associated with these meds.

  • Most of the negative outcomes of data research are NEVER published, so even many medical doctors do not know some of the risks.

  • Many doctors are unwittingly acting as pharmaceutical reps.

  • Depression and anxiety are not diseases, they are the symptoms. 

  • Inflammation is the root cause of most depression.

  • Blood sugar issues are found in almost all cases of anxiety

  • The bacteria, fungi and viruses that make up your body’s microflora outnumber your body’s cells by 10 to 1.

  • 95 percent of the body’s serotonin supply is found in our bowels

  • The vagus nerve contains 100 million neurons, which is more neurons than the spinal cord or peripheral nervous system hold

  • There are over 100 trillion bacterial cells contained within the gut.

  • Our gut sends far more information to our brain than the other way around.

  • The cross talk between the gut biome and the brain is continual: these are not two separate systems; they are two parts of a single system!

  • Lactobacillus bacteria actually alters the brain-cell receptors for GABA in a positive manner, thereby reducing anxious behavior.

From a Holistic Vantage Point…

Our gut is known as the second brain and there are structural/anatomical reasons for this reference. The second brain, known scientifically as the enteric nervous system, consists of sheaths of neurons located in the walls of our gut. We refer to these sheaths as the vagus nerve and it runs from our esophagus to our anus, roughly nine meters long.

Food for thought

  • SSRI’s cause 40,000 deaths a year

  • GMOs, MSG, aspartame, artificial dyes and colors, and the containers that hold the food are typically laced with other toxins like BPA, phthalates, aluminum, and fluoride

  • Many additives, preservatives and food colorants can cause direct behavioral changes

  • Most foods in the European Union that contain artificial food dyes come with warning labels

Effects of these additives in children can manifest into: irritability, temper outbursts, oppositional defiance, restlessness and difficulty falling asleep, arguing with siblings, making silly noises, speech delay, anxiety, depression, difficulty concentrating, rashes, headaches, bed wetting, stomach aches, sneaky poos, constipation and asthma.

So what can be done?!?

Dr. Kelly Brogan is a holistic psychologist in New York and she treats all of her patients with diet and supplements! 

Here is many of what she and other professionals and MUCH research recommends:

All supplements should be naturally sourced (not synthetic), high-quality and non GMO.

  • Chromium to balance blood sugar and reduce inflammation

  • Probiotics, pre biotics and digestive enzymes to balance gut flora 

  • Multivitamin 

  • B-vitamins 

  • Magnesium

  • Vitamin E (in the form of Tocotrienols)

  • Vitamin D

  • Better sleep 

  • Exercise 

  • Less junk/better diet (cut out processed foods and sugars) 

🌈And for the kiddos:

Start shopping at a natural food market (Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s,, natural grocers) there are SO MANY options for additive free candy, and my kids 100% prefer it over the other! 

Make baked goods from scratch at home using real butter, flour and organic sugar or coconut sugar. Getting your kids involved will make that process FUN! (Or start with the organic and additive free boxed options at a health store!) 

Most importantly, TALK to your kids! They deserve respect and will rise up when you give them the chance! 

I am raising world changers, and my kids know WHY we make the choices they do, and have been taught from a young age! They are confident and don’t feel like they’re missing out!

I have helped so many people turn their lives around and be free of these debilitating symptoms. If you have battled with these issues and won, please comment below and let everyone know there is HOPE! 

PLEASE PLEASE remember it takes time to heal!!! I try and tell people to give it one full month for every year they have had issues. Many of us have been struggling years! 

Also, if you have ever been on depression/anxiety meds, it is even harder to heal. I suggest reading A Mind of Your Own by Kelly Brogan MD for even more help with that if you feel stuck after doing all of these things!