10 Things You Should Know About Feminine Hygiene Products

Female Hygiene Products

I'm always surprised by how many women that are taking great care of their health by avoiding GMO's, preservatives, chemicals, eat healthy, take their supplements and workout regularly, who unbeknownst to them are using potentially dangerous feminine products!

I spend a lot of time visiting with women about female issues-- (everything from fertility, heavy periods, cramps/hormonal issues...) and people are always shocked to learn how dangerous conventional pads and tampons are for you! 

Supplements and diet are absolutely essential to help balance your hormones, mood, cycle and infertility. But did you know you could be causing more harm every month by using tampons or pads made with dioxons, plastics, chemicals, bleached with chlorine??? ......yikes!!

One of the FIRST things I changed 17 years ago were my menstrual products!

Female Hygiene Products

Here are 10 shocking things I have learned about conventional female hygiene products:

  • Cotton farmers use 1/4 of the supply of the world’s PESTICIDES! And if you’re not buying Organic Tampons, then the cotton used is genetically modified.

  • Rayon is basically bleached wood pulp. The processing of Rayon produces a toxin called dioxin. Dioxin is one of the most dangerous chemicals ever in existence. In a study done in 2005, levels of dioxin were found in seven brands of tampons. It has been found that women exposed to high levels of dioxin can be at risk for pelvic inflammatory disease, reduced immune system, endometriosis, and reduced fertility.

  • A number of these plasticizing chemicals have been linked to endocrine disruption and disease processes associated with heart disease and cancer. Conventional tampons and pads may also contain dioxins, synthetic fibers and petrochemical additives.

  • Studies have shown mold has been found in tampons, along with the occasional cocaine

  • Tampons absorb fluid, but not tissue-- every month your uterus expels a surprisingly high amount of tissue. So if you wear a tampon, the uterus gets sort of “backed up” with tissue. This can cause unhealthy conditions in your uterus, causing infertility

  • Your body is HIGHLY absorbent! Your vagina is no different! So when chemicals come in contact with your skin, they are absorbed straight into your bloodstream without filtering of any kind, going directly to your delicate organs

  • Feminine hygiene products such as tampons and sanitary pads have variety of potentially toxic ingredients, including genetically modified organisms and pesticides

  • Manufacturers of tampons and sanitary pads are not required to disclose the ingredients used in their products

  • One conventional sanitary pad contains the equivalent of about four plastic bags

  • Tampons can react with bacteria in your body to create the ideal environment for bacteria to flourish, triggering potentially fatal toxic shock syndrome (TSS)

It only makes sense that if you're doing all you can to avoid chemicals and toxins, it's probably NOT a good idea to get a monthly dose, directly in one of your most sensitive and absorbent areas! 

I personally used a cup when making the switch years ago, but now, my period is so easy and light that all I need are organic pads. 

This is ESPECIALLY important for teens. They do not need anymore toxins than they're already exposed to! 

Lastly, did you know menstrual products are the 5th most common plastic polluting our oceans? Read more here

The girls in our home love period panties, but you have to be careful which brand to choose, as many contain poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) also called “forever chemicals”. These toxic chemicals have been linked to cancer, reproductive issues, and endocrine disruption and can stay in your body for decades!

Here’s a great link that goes into better detail :


So if you're struggling to get pregnant or have painful monthly menstrual cycles -- CHANGE YOUR PRODUCTS!!! I promise, this is one thing that could really make a HUGE difference! 

I get it, I get it.... you didn't know, but you do now! So know better, DO BETTER!

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