The Truth about Cancer.


I get so many messages and questions from people who just found out their loved one has cancer, and they are desperate to know what to do.

In the last 15 years I have had SEVERAL people come to me, desperate and begging for resources. Only 5 or so of those people chose to run from their doctors and those toxic treatments, and those people are still alive and thriving today! Most of the other people died, suffering terrible deaths as a direct result of conventional treatment.

Cancer really isn’t that scary when you see all of the options you have available, and when you get to the ROOT. Cancer is just a wake up call, and can absolutely be healed — your body KNOWS what to do.

DO NOT BE FEARFUL!! This is my number 1 piece of advice!

Dig in and get ready to be EXCITED, because there are soooo many other ways!

These protocols should work for any “incurable” disease. We have personally healed eczema, allergies, asthma and heart disease in our home, and I have helped friends heal themselves from so many more serious cancers and diseases. It is possible!!!

  • has a 7 part series that is absolutely incredible! So many healing stories and different ways to heal, you will be blown away! I attended a 4 day live symposium and was in shock by all of the miraculous stories I was surrounded by. There are also a couple of great books on Amazon “The Truth About Cancer” and “Cancer, Stepping Outside the Box”


“Cancer Can Be Killed” documents a my quest to find out why my wife was cured of her cancer in 30 days naturally in Germany.

What we found will change cancer treatment forever.”

“Flipping the Script is my attempt to find out why doctors are forcing children already in remission from cancer into long term chemotherapy protocols. What we found offers new options to parents who want their children to thrive rather than be overmedicated with disastrous consequences.”

“If you or someone you know has cancer, download my free guide 20 Questions for Your Oncologist. It will equip you with the most critical questions to ask, before starting any treatment.

My new book Chris Beat Cancer: A Comprehensive Plan for Healing Naturally, published by Hay House in September 2018, is in stores now! Get it on Amazon!

I also created a coaching program for cancer patients, caregivers, and anyone who is serious about prevention called SQUARE ONE. This program contains the specific step-by-step strategies that I and everyone I know who has healed cancer followed.”

Dr Richard Schulze saved his own life and learned from the masters of herbal healing. He creates the most potent herbal formulas, and is a passionate and inspiring, with thousands of amazing healing stories from around the world. He also has several free books and resources.

The Banerji Protocols, evolved by Dr Prasanta and Pratip Banerji offer a standardised diagnostic system, different from the case history taking process associated with classical homeopathy. Their work with brain tumors is what fascinates me the most! They have such a high success rate compared to states (less than 5% survival here)

If you want someone guiding you, an amazing Alternative Cancer Treatment clinic here in the states is

With nothing to lose and everything to gain, Joe ordered the veterinary product, Fenbendazole, and began taking it. He added a few other things to his regimen such as curcumin and Vitamin E, now known as the "Joe Tippens Protocol". Three and a half months later, he went in for a scan and he was totally clear!

An incredible resource from a family who beat cancer in their baby. So many wonderfully healing resources here.

I also have two precious friends who help people every day in their practices. One is a wonderful homeopathic doctor and the other an energy healer. Both extremely talented in their practices, and both have helped many people heal from cancer.

An in depth look at a super simple and cheap remedy that has cured every ailment - ALL viruses, bacteria, funguses, colds, flu, parasites, Cancers......

There are truly SO MANY ways to heal! I leave you with some of my favorite quotes by

Dr. Richard Schulze

“You can heal yourself of ANYTHING, any illness or dis-ease. Just STOP doing what made you sick, and START doing what will Create Powerful Health.“

“There are NO incurable diseases, NONE. Take RESPONSIBILITY, and be willing to CHANGE, and you can heal yourself of anything.

“BLOCKAGE—Physical, Emotional and Spiritual— is the cause of ALL DIS-EASE.”

“Your body has a BLUEPRINT, a SCHEMATIC, of what perfect health is and is constantly trying to achieve this goal for YOU.”

“Your body has the ability to completely HEAL ITSELF of ANY disease... All it needs is your assistance.”

“Getting well is EASY. It is getting sick that takes years of constant, dedicated hard work.”

“The main function of your body, is to constantly heal and repair itself; REPAIR YOU!”

“STOP focusing on your disease, and START focusing on Creating Powerful Health! Your disease is not a curse, it is a GIFT, a BLESSING, It is what brought you to this new beginning of the greatest adventure in your life, to discover and create a new life, a much better life, and to Create a NEW YOU!”

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