Vitamin C

I think most people know how powerful vitamin C is, but do you really know just HOW powerful?!

This is invaluable info to have this winter season!

We take high doses as a family during the fall and winter, when knowingly exposed to something, or when traveling. It’s one of the easiest ways to prevent and treat SO MANY issues!!!

We also did Vitamin C Therapy when our oldest 2 had pertussis years ago. They were both over the worst of it within 2 weeks, compared to the people we got it from (they chose conventional treatments) where it lasted MONTHS.

Vitamin C is EXTREMELY effective against all viruses, colds, flus, mononucleosis, asthma and allergies, is said to broaden the spectrum of antibiotics considerably when fighting bacterial infections (stay tuned to my upcoming post on several natural antibiotic options!) and it may be found that appropriate antifungal or anti Candida agents will better penetrate tissues that are saturated in Vit C.

It is also fascinating that Dr. Klenner cured 60 out of 60 polio cases with vitamin C!

There is a fear with vaccinating and there is also a fear with contracting disease.

Did you know Vitamin C has shown to eradicate all disease that vaccines are designed against?! Did you know Vitamin C has no toxic dosage and can be used in extremely high doses, safely in pregnant women and children?

If you don't know what bowel tolerance is, it is time to find out! That dose of Vitamin C is the one where symptoms of any and all disease can be ameliorated.
Check out this link for absolutely INCREDIBLE info on Vit C being used as treatment for the most recent “famous” virus, and see how its being HIGHLY censored. Vitamin C at extremely high doses acts as a potent antiviral, and the Chinese govt has actually started recommending vitamin C at a dose of 200 mg per kg of body weight per day intravenously. This protocol was published by the Chinese Medical Association, but is completely censored and “fact checked” here in the states!

Vitamin C gives you the control!

It is a super weapon against all disease and the best part is it is much cheaper than any toxic pharmaceutical drug or vaccine.

-Revitalize Wellness

Ready to dive in deeper? Check out these resources below!

Bowel Tolerance

Here is a lecture on Vitamin C by Dr Suzanne Humphries that will BLOW YOUR MIND!

And more info on healing a variety of cancers and disease with Vitamin C:

The Method of Determining Proper Doses of Vitamin C for the Treatment of Disease by Titrating to Bowel Tolerance

The High Dose Oral Vitamin C Protocol for Cancer and Viral Infections

Different experts suggest different types of Vitamin C for various reasons, so we rotate between several different forms and brands, (making sure they’re all non-GMO). Here are a few of my favorites:

This first one by far tastes the BEST, and also has added lysine, bromelaine and caffeine free green tea extract, but it is the priciest! :


Non-GMO Vitamin C

NanoNutra Liposomal Vitamin C

Liposomal Supplement

Another FASCINATING quick tip:

Because Vitamin C is such a potent antioxidant, you can use it to prevent sunburn. Take between 10-20 grams (depending on age!) the day before exposure AND the day of, and you will NOT get a burn! This will work on any skin tone, and even if you’re in direct sun all day! We have successfully done this more than once, even with our freckled, light-skinned kiddo! You MUST make sure you’re taking enough.

Now in the comments below, share below if you have used vitamin C therapy in the past. And share your favorite brands!!!