Avoiding Braces with Proper Breathing

I can bet 98% of you guys have never heard of anything I am about to share!

First off, do you know and understand how important NOSE breathing is over MOUTH breathing? If your child is a chronic mouth breather (by habit or allergies), they are much more likely to need…. braces.

Braces compound the problem and oftentimes change the shape of your child's face, elongating it and causing even more breathing issues in the future.

Your tongue is your mouth's "place holder", and should rest on the top of your mouth, lips sealed completely when sleeping, reading, resting, etc - while breathing out of your nose. Close to 80 percent of the Western population breathes incorrectly with habits such as shallow breathing, breathing through your mouth instead of your nose, using the upper chest, and having noticeable breathing during rest. The nose is the only organ able to properly prepare the air you breathe.
Nitric oxide is produced in the paranasal sinuses, and in nasal breathing, nitric oxide is inhaled into the airway. Nitric oxide has several important functions. It acts to keep the blood vessels in the airways and lungs open, and plays an important role in immune system defense. It has proven anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-pathogen and anti-allergen qualities.
(It has even been found to prevent the replication of the SARS coronavirus😱) Nose breathing also lessens the common cold. The mucous (white blood cells that kill germs) membrane lining the nose extends all the way from the inner linings of the nostrils down the trachea to the bronchi the directly enters the lungs. Germs get caught and die in the mucus. Mouth –breathing will make you more susceptible to common cold and infections.

Your nose is the only organ which is enabled to properly "prepare" the air you breathe.As scary as it may sound, our nose is home to more than 50 species of bacteria- both good and bad – and unfortunately, there are more bad than good ones. But the good news is that the small number of good ones can fight it with the bad ones within the nose itself, saving us from ingesting a lot of bad bacteria at the first stage of breathing-inhalation. 

If you bypass your nose and breathe through your mouth, there is no stopping the bad bacteria to reach inside your body. One of the deadliest of them all is Staphylococcus Aureus- which may cause diseases due to direct infections or produce toxins that could cause staph infections that include blood and heart. 


Mouth breathing leads:

  • to over-breathing

  • behavioral and learning problems in children (increasing risks and symptoms for ADD/ADHD/Autism

  • developmental issues in children, permanent facial deformities

  • poor speech development and auditory processing

  • Poor body and brain oxygenation/brain fog

  • poor sleep patterns

  • chronic hyperventilation

  • depleted carbon dioxide levels

  • reduced blood circulation

  • buildup of toxins

  • narrowing of the airways

  • poor diaphragm function- poor core support,(which leads to greater risk of injury)

Mouth breathing and resultant, over-breathing, elevates your blood pressure and heart rate and worsens asthma, allergies, rhinitis, sleep apnea, and deprives your heart, brain and other organs of optimal oxygenation.

Over-breathing and hyperventilation during exercise can lead to reduced performance, and can also cause vasoconstriction, which increases your risk for arrhythmias and heart problems, even if you have none of the usual cardiac risk factors.

Left untreated, mouth breathing can cause a LIFETIME of health problems. Before you know it, you can literally breathe yourself into a chronically unhealthy state!

It has been proven that if mouth breathing, sleep disordered breathing and snoring is left untreated, by the time a child reaches the age of 8 years, he or she is 40 percent more likely to have special educational needs!

Did you know that more cavities are actually caused from mouth breathing over sugar?! It’s true! Follow functional dentist Dr Steven Lin on IG for more information! https://instagram.com/drstevenlin?utm_medium=copy_link

“Nose breathing helps brain function! The hypothalamus, also known as the Brain's brain, is responsible for many functions in our bodies, particularly those that we consider automatic: heartbeat, blood pressure, thirst, appetite, and of course, the cycles of sleeping a waking. The hypothalamus is also responsible for generating chemicals that influence memory and emotion.”

It is also CRUCIAL to breathe through the nose when working out. So many elite athletes don’t realize that something as simple and nasal breathing can aid in peak performance, recovery and preventing injury!

Did you know that asthma is more prevalent in the athlete population than it is among the general public? Intense exercise can compromise the lungs and immune system, leading to more respiratory illness, which is more common in elite athletes .The lungs are a primary source of our energy level and they extract oxygen from the air we breathe( primarily on the exhale). When you exhale through small nostrils compared to your mouth, a back-pressure is created and exhaled air is restricted and slow down, which is exactly the time lungs use to absorb more oxygen.

It slows the air escape so the lungs have more time to extract oxygen from them. When there is proper oxygen-carbon dioxide exchange, the blood will maintain a balanced pH. Our oxygen uptake happens mostly during the restricted exhale through the nose.

If carbon dioxide is lost too quickly, as in mouth breathing, oxygen absorption is decreased. If you want a better performance during your exercise, you have to stop over-breathing or hyperventilation- a.k.a mouth breathing.

The Buteyko Breathing Methods

By learning and practicing the Buteyko breathing methods, you can PREVENT the need for braces in many children if you start young. Practicing this breathing method can also GREATLY improve asthma and prevent sleep apnea.


Subject A:

You can tell in my daughters pictures how her teeth weren't even crooked but her mouth was extremely narrow. She also struggled a tad with a stuffy nose. In the first picture you could only see 7 of her front and now, even with her adult teeth in, you can see more than 10 of her teeth. Her mouth is much wider, and she has no stuffy nose issues.


Subject B:

My son had no room AT ALL for his adult teeth! Look at him now!

Main difference when you compare normal orthodontists to orthotropics

  • My kiddos mouths will ALWAYS be this big.

  • No permanent appliances (like internal retainers) to make sure teeth don't move back.

  • You keep ALL OF YOUR TEETH.

  • You have room for wisdom teeth. (You do NOT want to remove your wisdom teeth! Look for a post about that coming soon😉)

  • You DO NOT want an orthodontist pulling teeth to make room. You need all of your teeth!

We used a combination of orthotropics, breathing exercises, myobrace and addressing underlying allergies to achieve the results in our kids. We also have mewing devices, which are only about $20 each and are super helpful little tools to teach proper tongue placement!

Mouth breathing is not just bad for your health, but it will also reflect in your appearance, and gets worse over time.
In children, mouth breathing vs nose breathing actually affects the way the face, skull and airways grow.

It can show as an elongated and narrow face, larger or crooked nose, tired eyes or circles under eyes (from lack of oxygen), gummy smile, dental malocclusion, including a large overbite and crowded teeth, poor posture and set back jaw.

You can even do a quick internet search for “orthotropics before and after”

“Buteyko before and after”

“mewing before and after”

And you’ll be BLOWN AWAY!

Beauty does not always equal good health, but good health will always make you more beautiful!!

Want to learn more? Check out the resourceful links below!

Braces damage faces? Why all traditional orthodontic treatments suck

Understand your orthodontic options

Buteyko Breathing

Nose Breathing or Mouth Breathing - What’s the Correct Way to Breathe?

Breathe to Heal: Break Free From Asthma (Breathing Normalization)

Mouth Breathing Causes, Treatments And Consequences

This is a course for adults:


Edited this post to add these current pictures of my 9 year old going through this same process!

Look at the progress she’s made in only 6 months!