THIS is why I don't support donating funds to "find a cure" for cancer.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Each October, multibillion-dollar corporations try to make money off of breast cancer by telling us to buy their products to “support a good cause.” When companies market pink ribbon products, but also at the same time, produces toxic chemicals that may contribute to an increased risk of breast cancer, that my friends is called pinkwashing.

Here is a very good explanation for why cancer research has failed so badly. Those of us who know the truth need to spread it far and wide!

  • "There is no greater example of the great cancer cover-up than the Breast Cancer Awareness Movement. BCAM was created by the Imperial Chemical Company, since bought out by AstraZeneca, which was recognized at the time of the inception of the BCAM as the second largest producers of carcinogens in the United States. Imperial Chemical was soon joined by chemical companies, cosmetic companies, food companies, and others whose products caused or contained cancer-causing toxins. BCAM has endeavored to keep the focus off toxins since the very beginning, including directing research almost solely towards genetics."

  • GREED is what runs the cancer industry and this farce of "cancer research". Read more here

  • According to Susan G. Komen's 2021 financial statement, only 10% of the raised money went to cancer research. Only.02% of the money went to 'treatment services' and 03% to 'health screening services.'

  • The reality is that mammograms only “benefit” one woman out of every 2,000 that gets a mammogram, while they actually harm 8-10 women through false alarms, missed cancers, unnecessary surgery, radiation, drugs, stress, and even have been shown to cause cancer! Read more here

  • One of the largest and longest studies of mammography (done in 2014), involving 90,000 women followed for 25 years, found that mammograms have absolutely NO impact on breast cancer mortality. In fact, 22% of screen detected invasive breast cancers were also over-diagnosed, leading to unnecessary treatment! Tell me more

Love what Chris from Chris beats Cancer shares:

“As if that wasn't bad enough, donating to cancer research is essentially giving free money to drug companies who make BILLIONS in PROFIT every year, and don't need your money, and are only interested in research that can lead to patentable, highly profitable drugs that they can sell back to you.”


Thermography is absolutely a much safer and more reliable cancer screening tool:

In a nutshell, this tool creates a digital map of your body that illustrates heat patterns -- patterns that may detect some condition or abnormality. It uses a scanning-type infrared camera that measures your body surface temperature, presenting the information as a digitized image.

• Reliable and accurate information for diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis...

• Precise and objective data from accurate measurements of thermal information...

• Considerable financial savings over conventional investigations...

In fact...

Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging (DITI) offers you a higher level of prevention

and unlike most diagnostic tests, thermal imaging is:

• Not painful...

• Non-invasive...

• Quick – your multi-image exams usually take less than 15 minutes...

Plus, it:

• Makes no contact with your body -- with no body part compression (such as what you experience with mammograms)

• Emits absolutely NO radiation

Learn more here

Here are my top 5 tips and ways to prevent cancer:

  1. Remove as many endocrine/hormonal disrupters/toxins from your home as possible! This means- Ditch plastic!!! Store your food and beverages in glass, and avoid using plastic wrap and canned foods.

  • Avoid ALL soy (read the labels – it’s seriously everywhere!) ESPECIALLY when pregnant and definitely not in infant formula!

  • Switch out toxic cleaning products (many are called “forever chemicals” because they do not break down, and evidence shows that even very low levels of exposure to most of these chemicals is not safe for human health)

  • Seek out natural personal products like feminine products, nail polish, and toiletries such as shampoo, toothpaste, deodorants, lotions, laundry soap....and PLEASE STOP using artificial air fresheners, dryer sheets, fabric softeners and all other synthetic fragrances!

  • Replace your nonstick pans and cookware! So many people don’t realize this is a huge source of daily exposure to toxic chemicals!

You can read more about protecting your family from hormonal disruption

2. Change your diet!!

  • Choose organic and non GMO foods to avoid pesticides and fertilizers. Grass fed/organic /wild caught beef, chicken and fish over conventional/farm raised fish.

  • God made vs man made-- count chemicals and not calories is an amazing mantra to have! All processed and packaged foods are a huge source of refined sugars, artificial sweeteners, hybridized wheat and hydrogenated oils - all of which are known to cause cancer!

  • Incorporate clean, whole, foods, bone broths, Liver and oysters are the perfect foods and you can find those in capsule form

  • Raw milk, raw cheese— look for LOCAL produce

  • Choose foods high in dark colors and polyphenols, because they are naturally high in antifungals and antioxidants (Switch to purple cabbage, black rice, purple potatoes and onions, wild blueberries, acai, dark chocolate)

  • Add some spices to your life!!

  • Cayenne, cilantro, parsley, turmeric/cumin, cinnamon /nutmeg/ clove, oregano, garlic, ginger- these spices are some of the MOST POWERFUL anti cancer foods.

3. Take high quality supplements

  • Make sure to get bioavailable forms of all daily recommended vitamins, nutrients AND trace minerals like magnesium, iodine, selenium, copper and zinc

  • Daily omegas and fatty acids are crucial - best found in your diet. Make sure you avoid PUFAS! (Read about that here:

  • Vitamin D3 (GET OUT IN THE SUN!)

  • Vitamin E (specifically tocotrienols- check out Dr Barrie Tan )

  • Dr Axe says that a probiotic is the “NUMBER ONE supplement” he recommends above all others— and to

  • “Find a probiotic with resilient strains.”

  • Keeping insulin balanced is HUGE in any hormonal disease or cancer. Leaky gut and inflammation cause cancer — all disease begins in the gut!

Making sure that you are absorbing your vitamins and nutrients is MORE Important than any supplements! A high quality digestive enzyme is so important.

4. Address your lifestyle

  • Use Natural treatments like lymphatic massage with oils

  • Get grounded and barefoot walking in sun

  • Get sufficient and quality sleep. Limit screens (especially at night) and vacation more!

  • Rebounder 10 minutes twice a day

  • Deep NOSE breathing 2 minutes before bed and when you wake up.

  • 20 minute detox baths Epsom salt and lavender

  • Cleanse your body with Vegetable juice/ bone broth /herbal teas with milk thistle/lemon water/ bowel cleanse

The last thing you do before bed and first thing when you wake up is find a place of gratitude.

Quote scriptures or positive affirmations and be grateful!!



You MUST address emotional healing:

  • Fear (reproductive organs)

  • Worry (stomach and spleen)

  • Grief/depression (colon and lungs)

  • Anxiety/nervousness (heart, brain and small intestine)

  • Frustration/ Anger (liver, gallbladder and lymph)

  • Un-forgiveness (heart, liver)

Read more on healing cancer naturally here.