Do YOU rebound?! Exercise Tip!

After sharing my post showing the dangers of prolonged sitting, I thought it would be great to show you one of the easiest and most beneficial ways to get moving!

“Rebound exercise is the most efficient, effective form of exercise yet devised by man.”
-The Miracles of Rebound Exercise; Carter, Albert E.; The National institute of Reboundology and Health, Inc.

It is one of my favorite ways to stimulate lymph flow! (and remember, all disease is caused by being STAGNANT!)

Researchers claim that “rebounding” is the most effective man made exercise because of the benefits to the lymphatic and immune system!

It’s also super safe and easy during pregnancy, and is an easy and effective way to strengthen the pelvic floor after birth!

LOVE that it is easy on the joints, and that it not only aids in weight loss, but there are SO MANY MORE benefits as well!

here are 30 incredible benefits to rebounding:

  • Just 10 minutes a day is equivalent to 20-30 minutes of jogging

  • Rebounding for longer than 20 minutes at a moderate intensity at least 3x per week increases the mitochondria count within the muscle cells, benefiting in total endurance

  • EASY on the joints

  • Reduces body fat

  • Circulates more oxygen to the tissues and establishes a better equilibrium between the oxygen required by the tissues and the oxygen made available.

  • Increases bone density

  • Can slow down atrophy in the aging process

  • Decreases the volume of blood pooling in the veins of the cardiovascular system preventing chronic edema.

  • Strengthens pelvic floor. When done consistently, you’ll never have to worry about bladder incontinence!

  • Enhances immune function and boosts immune system

  • Can curtail fatigue and menstrual discomfort for women.

  • Gradually allows the resting heart to beat less often and has been shown to benefit the heart rate, resulting in favorable decreases in resting heart rate

  • Improves agility, stability and balance by improving the brain’s responsiveness to the vestibular apparatus within the inner ear

  • Benefits body alignment and posture

  • Increases respiratory capacity

  • Promotes growth and tissue repair

  • Tones the endocrine system, especially the thyroid, to increase output

  • Gradually improves resting metabolic rate so that more calories are burned for hours after exercise. Related, Rebound Exercise benefits the post-exercise “Glycogen Replenishment” process.

  • Circulates more oxygen to tissues

  • Greatly enhances muscular and valvular fluid exchange, lightening the heart’s workload

  • Assists in the rehabilitation of existing heart problems. Rebound Exercise also benefits recovery from heart procedures, providing gentle, low impact circulation

  • Lowers low-density lipoprotein (bad) in the blood and increases high-density lipoprotein (good) holding off the incidence of coronary artery disease

  • Stimulates internal organs, moves the cerebral-spinal fluid and aqueous fluid within the eyes (many people claim improved eyesight!)

  • Aids venous blood and lymph flow (enhancing waste-cleansing)

  • benefits lymphatic circulation by stimulating the millions of one-way valves in the lymphatic system, which is the body’s immune capacity for fighting current disease, destroying cancer cells, eliminating antigens and preventing future illness.

  • Strengthens heart muscle and other muscles, causing them to work with greater efficiency

  • Stimulates metabolic activity

  • Enhances digestion and elimination

  • It's FUN!!! (I love to stick on my fav show and rebound while watching!)

  • There are very few things as SIMPLE and EFFECTIVE for your overall health as rebounding!

You can keep one near your desk and do 5 min every hour to help get in your daily movement


it can be used as your workout (separate from your daily movement) and do it 1-2 times daily for 20 min each time.

I don’t think it matters what kind you buy- I’ve been through a few over the years. With the little ones on it just as much me, we wear them out quickly! So I’ve usually spent between $50-$100 for one. I did that for YEARS and only recently upgraded to a Bellicon. It’s AMAZING- but I suggest rebounding with a less expensive one for a while and make it a habit before investing in a more expensive one.
The absolute best kind of rebounder?

The one you will USE!!

Do YOU rebound?! This fun and super effective exercise has SO MANY benefits!!

Still not convinced? Check out this rebounding report from NASA

Need some more inspiration to get moving? Read my blog on The Deadly Act of Sitting.

Happy rebounding!
