Social Distancing: Week 3


My standards are slipping by the day. Not only does my daily wardrobe consist of no makeup, sad hair, yoga pants and a tshirt, but I have caught myself more than once consciously decide to NOT put on a certain tshirt because it was my “good” one. I don’t really know what I’m saving it for? My wardrobe has been the equivalent of what I consider “play clothes” for my kids. 

Somehow, I have decided that because I know I’m not going anywhere, no effort really needs to even be put into getting ready. 
A few of my kids have fallen into this sad category as well. 

It wasn’t until I was standing on the front porch, watching a naked (except for mismatched shoes and head to toe marker) Carstyn drag around a rolling suitcase in our driveway, that I thought “I know this might be the end of the world and all, but maybe this shouldn’t be acceptable”

Social Distancing 2020

We truly look like we belong in a book or on a website called “People of Quarantine”- a sister to “People of Walmart”.

In other news, after I told Caiphas “You can’t pick boogers and then love on the baby!” he washed his hands and came back to snuggle. As he was smiling endearingly at the baby, rubbing her face gently and sweetly, he looks at me says in all seriousness, “Mama, she is NOT a stupid butthole. She is Queen Calestis.”
😳oh my.

Mitch posted this very fitting video this morning (also - they’re obviously not allowed to call each other stupid butthole....I’m not sure where he even learned it! But it is apparently something he knows and remembers!)

Calix asked me and Calandra to help him come up with a female name for a Facebook page he was creating. When I asked why he needed one, he said he planned on joining a Vegan atheist FB group, and felt like it was more likely to be accepted if he was female. (Not sure his logic here, but ok...) I asked why on earth he needed to be a part of a Vegan atheist group....
He really wanted to get in, make good friends with people and then post a picture of Jesus eating a hamburger. 🤦🏻‍♀️
He was so sure that everyone would get a kick out of it, and it would just strengthen the bonds he already formed with all of his new online friends as they all chuckled together. I’m not so sure. So I said no. 

In weekly wasting news 🗣

Caiya used several bananas and strawberries to feed snails in a “snail home” she created in our front yard. 
I caught Caiphas squeezing out applesauce from the package into a bowl in the backyard for fun. 
The girls left the water hose on twice, and Carstyn turned the water on in the bathtub and I found it running several minutes later. 

The adjustment from having normal amount of food to bulk amount is HARD. And our “bulk” amount is just a few weeks worth! Definitely not prepper-worthy or anything. 

I realized that if I make a double or triple batch of cookies, it doesn’t mean they’ll last two or three times as long, it just means everyone will eat two or three times as much in one sitting.

My kids are also fascinated with the freeze dried foods I purchased, so they’ve been eating those nonstop, which really defeats the purpose of buying all of that food when 10 different canisters are open because they all are DYING to try freeze dried fruit assortment, cake bites, yogurt, chicken, eggs, sausage etc. I feel like I bought these foods more for their entertainment than for an actual emergency.

I guess one could argue that boredom in a pandemic might be considered an emergency? I dunno. 🤷🏼‍♀️I’m gonna roll with it. 
Finances have been just as confusing. I bounce back and forth between trying to save as much as possible, to not caring at all. Since this might be Armageddon, the struggle between frugal and YOLO is real!

💜Check out our pictures of the week: 

On one hand, I have homemade from-scratch burger buns from my 14 year old, so big win there. 
Other hand, my naked 2 year old climbed on the counter and took several bites out of 3 different ones, and stabbed several others with a screwdriver while I was in the pantry.

💚Lesson of the week:
Always LISTEN to your toddler and try to figure out what their little words mean....the dogs were in the yard barking and I heard Carstyn laugh a few times and say “Quiddle! Quiddle!” as he headed down the porch stairs, excitedly. I had no clue what he was saying and wasn’t concerned until Willow alerted me with a different sounding bark than usual. We caught Carstyn moments before he tried snuggling with a scared raccoon under our deck. This kid has zero fear and loves alllll animals and bugs and creatures. So I learned that “Quiddle” means squirrel. He had never seen a raccoon, so assumed it was a squirrel.

💙Accident of the week:
While Calix was frying up Nutella stuffed donuts, he dropped the glass pan and it sliced his toe pretty deep. We avoided stitches with Epsom salt soak and silver to clean it, butterfly tabs and silver gel for healing, homeopathic aconite and ledum internally for shock and infection prevention. That is our basic protocol for deep cuts. Pretty sure each kid has at least one scar from a similar stitch-worthy wound, and avoiding the hospital is more important now than ever, so we treat at home!

🧡Win of the week:
Caiya lost a top tooth and in the grandest of miracles, the tooth fairy REMEMBERED to come!🙌🏼

💛Creativity/Scam of the week:
The girls opened a restaurant and served us all breakfast, lunch and dinner. They also talked everyone into paying real money (even though half the time it was food one of us prepared, and obviously it was 100% food we bought) and after a few days of this, they used their earnings to buy quills from Amazon. They quickly abandoned the food industry business in order to live in the olden days and draw and write letters by candlelight with their quills.

One of my goals for this week are to look “Target worthy” instead of “Wal-Mart worthy”.

How’s everyone else? Who are the people who look presentable daily and what’s your secret? 

PS: if you are having behavioral issues with your cat, just message me and we can give you advice. We have watched enough “My Cat From Hell” episodes that we pretty much know how to solve any problem that might arise. We are also deeply connected to Jackson Galaxy. He is family now.