Social Distancing: Week 2

I’m just going to start by saying these were my goals for our second week of social distancing:

❇️Save money by making bread instead of buying it

❇️Do some sort of art or craft so I feel like a decent parent

❇️Get on a good daily schedule to prevent kids from living in the kitchen/pantry

❇️Make specific menu to help stop the waste

❇️Make Calandra’s birthday dessert

❇️Read to the little kids every night

❇️ Clean out closets and drawers and minimize junk

❇️Work out daily 

This is what actually happened:

social distancing 2020

Mitchell decided on a whim to make bread himself, and found a recipe to make 8 loaves, because hey- why not start big? He accidentally used vital wheat gluten instead of flour and the dough didn’t turn out so he wasted an entire $15 bag. ❌ fail

To add to this fail, Calix took this weird, bubbly dough upstairs and threw it all out his window in chunks into our tree....and apparently overnight one of the larger chunks blew off.... next morning Mitch couldn’t figure out what the heck was stuck to the top of our van.🤦🏻‍♀️ I don’t really even have words for this. Sad thing is that he actually asked me if he could do it and I SAID YES. I don’t really know what possessed me to say yes to my teen son when he asked if he could throw A LOT of bread dough out his window into the tree🤷🏼‍♀️ I think I was trying to count this as a craft or science experiment or something. I dunno. Pretty much #anythinggoes during #coronaquarantine2020

The kids wrapped presents and decorated for Calandra’s party, and Calix made homemade cinnamon rolls. I’m counting this as a craft! ✅ win

There is no schedule. No one ever really even knows what time it is. It’s pretty much been a free-for-all, with me either binge reading conspiracy theories to figure out how to plan for being shipped off to FEMA camps, or binge watching Tiger King to keep my mind off being shipped off to FEMA’s straight chaos around here.
❌ fail 

This week was better than last week when it comes to waste, but we are still snacking WAY too much. We had a 5 bags of store bought cookies and they’re ALL GONE. What’s ridiculous about the cookies is that whoever was eating them would turn the open side of the bag toward the back so they all looked sealed. So when I finally go to open a bag for everyone, I am all proud, thinking everyone has learned self control because none of the bags are even open ..... only to see they were almost all gone- empty bags that just LOOKED full. Three different people in my house figured out this trick and all just kept eating to their little hearts’ content, each totally justified because they knew someone else was doing it with them. 
Cookies are all gone, oats are still untouched. ❌fail 

We had a great birthday with Calandra. She is so easy to please, and I made Earl grey cheesecake with shortbread cookie crust, and it was delicious. ✅ win 

Definitely did not read with the kids enough. I blame Tiger King. See above. ❌ fail

Ok. So I WANTED to minimize and clean out. Mitch and I actually sat down and had long conversation about what all we could clean out and everything we could give away or get rid of, and somehow, at the end of our hour long conversation about minimizing, we were messaging someone on FB marketplace to buy a spin bike. ❌fail

I did not work out daily, but I did walk a couple of miles every night with Mitch. I’m going to call it a ✅win

I had such high hopes for this whole quarantine! I thought “what perfect timing! Right after having a baby, I can eat super healthy and I have all this time to exercise, so by the time this is over I’ll have lost all my baby weight!” This quickly changed to “yay! No one will see me for the next 4-6 weeks so I can eat whatever I want! We are being shipped off to FEMA camps soon anyway and need the extra weight....” Who knew how much social distancing makes you want to eat?! And trying to be grain/sugar/dairy free during a time like this when you’re not celiac just seems wasteful and pretentious. I am neither of these so I am still eating all the things. All day long. And how am I really supposed to work out when Tiger King is on?

A tummy bug also passed through this week.
Poor Caiphas came in from playing outside and puked all over the floor, and after it was all cleaned up he was still standing there with his eyebrows crumpled and this sad look on his face....and finally asked me, “Do I have the granola virus?” No, sweetheart, it’s just a tummy bug. 

As I was typing this out Carstyn came in my room with a handful of pickles. It’s only 10:45 on a Sunday night, so he might as well eat dill pickles on my floor. #anythinggoes#quarantine2020 

How are you guys surviving?!