Iodine, one of the most important supplements in my home!

Iodine is one of the MOST IMPORTANT supplements in my home!

Most people don’t have a clue how crucial iodine is for our health, or how amazing it is for prevention and treatment of so many ailments.

Hang with me- this is likely to blow your mind!

Iodine is a trace mineral that EVERY CELL in your body needs.

You can not make a single hormone without it, yet most people do not get enough of it!

Over 70% of the worlds population is deficient in iodine.

Because drug companies cannot patent iodine and make a huge profit, there has not been much of a change in iodine treatment in the last 50 years.

Iodine deficiency causes thyroid nodules, Fibrocystic Breast Disease, breast cancer, stomach cancer, thyroid cancer, hypothyroidism, fertility issues, miscarriages, increased cholesterol and a long list of other issues!

The World Health Organization (WHO) has said that this deficiency is the most prevalent and easily preventable cause of impaired cognitive development in children in the world!

Dr. David Brownstein did a clinical study on over 5,000 patients, he found over 96% were iodine deficient!!

The thyroid gland contains the highest concentration of iodine, more than any other organ in the body and is and essential component of the thyroid hormones, triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). These hormones regulate the metabolic activities of most cells and play a vital role in the process of early growth and development of most organs, especially the brain.

So iodine does NOT just effect the thyroid. If you do not have sufficient T3& T4 hormones, it will also adversely effect your muscles, heart, liver, kidney and the developing brain.

Iodine’s benefits are many:

  • supports thyroid health, and prevents an enlarged thyroid and thyroid disease

  • boosts the immune system

  • Offers powerful antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, and antiparasitic properties

  • aids in detoxification halide concentrations caused by fluoride, chlorine, and bromine

  • helps to prevent lead and other metals from being stored in the body

  • helps control metabolic rate

  • maintain energy levels,

  • prevents many forms of cancer,

  • form healthy and shiny skin

  • prevent impaired development and growth in children.

  • it is also CRUCIAL to fend off & remove radiation received from cell phones, computers, WiFi, 5G and harmful EMFs.

Iodine has the same effect in your body as chlorine does in a swimming pool or in your city water— it is very efficient at killing bad bacteria! This is also the reason that Bromine is added to all baked goods to prevent mold.

The molecular structure of iodine, chlorine, bromine and fluorine is very similar. As a nation we are extremely deficient in iodine and are inundated daily with chlorine (drinking and bathing in it daily) fluoride (toothpaste and water) and bromine (all breads, cookies and baked goods and vegetable oils to extend shelf life).

If your body is lacking in iodine, it will quickly take up one of these other halogens in its place! This is also why many people react so harshly when they start supplementing iodine— their bodies will kick out these 3 toxins to make room for iodine!

Purging chlorine, bromine and fluoride too fast is usually not pleasant.

The detox can be intense, so I was taught to always start SLOW with supplementing.

side note here!! Bromine poisoning is also the cause of the little red moles you see on your skin! Read more here

My family actually started EXTERNALLY first! With a couple of drops of iodine in the belly button and one on the thyroid, slowly (over the course of a couple of months) working our way up to a few drops internally.

Here's a video on tips to start taking iodine.

I have heard people say they’re “allergic” to iodine, but iodine is absolutely crucial to many cells in the body- and there can be no allergy to elemental iodine, same as there can not be an allergy to oxygen or water, also essential nutrients.

If you are deficient in selenium and start supplementing iodine without also adding selenium, it can cause serious issues. You see this with both Hashimotos and Graves Disease.

Selenium has very important roles in the conversion of thyroid hormone T4 into the active T3 form. This conversion CAN happen without selenium, but only at about 10% efficacy!

(Kayleigh has wonderful info on her Patreon channel about Selenium )

Iodine, a well-known topical antiseptic and antimicrobial agent, also directly kills cancer cells and serves as the key player in our body’s surveillance system for removing abnormal pre-cancer cells.

Higher dietary Iodine explains why the Japanese have the lowest rates for cancer of the breast, prostate and thyroid.

“Dr. B.A. Eskin published 80 papers over 30 years researching iodine and breast cancer, and he reports that iodine deficiency causes breast cancer and thyroid cancer in humans and animals. Iodine deficiency is also known to cause a pre-cancerous condition called fibrocystic breast disease. Ghent published a paper in 1993 which showed iodine supplementation works quite well to reverse and resolve fibrocystic changes of the breast, and this is again the subject of a current clinical study”

Read more here about how iodine treats cancer

And here:

Iodine Deficiency

Symptoms of Iodine Deficiency include:

  • Depression

  • Low body temperature

  • Difficulty losing weight

  • Dry skin and cracked heels

  • Headaches

  • Lethargy or fatigue

  • Memory problems

  • Menstrual problems (as well as fertility and miscarriage)

  • Hyperlipidemia

  • Recurrent infections

  • Sensitivity to cold

  • Cold hands and feet

  • Brain fog

  • Increased cholesterol levels

  • Thinning hair and eyebrows

  • Constipation

  • Shortness of breath

  • Impaired kidney function

  • Muscle weakness and joint stiffness

The top 6 ways to raise your iodine level through diet - seaweed, yogurt or raw milk, cranberries, baked cod and baked potatoes.

With our tainted food supply, it is extremely difficult to get enough iodine through the diet, so many times supplements are necessary.

The RDA for iodine is as follows:

1–8 years old — 90 micrograms every day

9–13 years old — 120 micrograms every day

14+ years old — 150 micrograms every day

Pregnant or breastfeeding mothers — 290 micrograms every day

You can check out this link for more information and dietary examples:

The thyroid gland needs both iodine AND selenium to produce adequate levels of thyroid hormones, and studies have shown many people have insufficient selenium intake.

Super simple way to get selenium is to eat 2 brazil nuts daily! Brazil nuts are energy dense and not only rich in selenium, but also in healthy fats, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, manganese, thiamine, and vitamin E. We only eat soaked Brazil nuts, as soaking activates enzymes that neutralize enzyme inhibitors. It also makes them much easier to digest and the nutrients more easily absorbed.

Other incredible sources are oysters, beef, pork, chicken, (grass fed beef liver is excellent!)

Here is some awesome information on the health benefits of Brazil nuts

You can do this quick and easy test at home to see how deficient you are in iodine: Iodine Deficiency Test

If you really want to learn more, I highly recommend this book:

Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can't Live Without It

My favorite brands:

(the first three are Edgar Cayce’s formula)




Lugol’s Iodine

Iodoral-12.5mg 180 Tabs

A healthy balance is required, but different people’s bodies will react differently to dose amounts. People who have Hashimoto’s, thyroiditis or particular cases of hypothyroid individuals should research selenium’s role on iodine, or work with an iodine-literate doctor. Info on how to find one here: Find an iodine literate doctor here.

One final note: We use extra iodine when battling infection. Drops externally around ears and on throat for infection, and externally on pelvic area for bladder infections. Along with extra daily internal dose.