Cayenne, the miracle herb

Cayenne pepper.

When I fell in love with herbs almost 16 years ago, this is the one I fell in love with first.

Did you know that cayenne can stop a heart attack in under a minute?

It can also stop bleeding just as fast, and when taken daily it can help prevent many different chronic conditions.

This is one of the herbs I keep in my emergency kit, (especially in tincture form) and my family has used it in emergency situations and as a daily supplement.

You would think that anyone who has heart issues would know about the power of cayenne, as it has a long history around the world as a powerful medicinal and nutritional herb.

But then again, it costs pennies and is extremely it’s no wonder Big Pharma has made sure it stays relatively unknown.

Heart disease remains the leading cause of death for both men and women in the world.

And with the current increase of heart issues due to “ climate change, scary cannabis and too much bacon and eggs in lockdown “ .... I figured now was a great time to share about our favorite herb.

In no way do I actually think climate change or cannabis are to blame for the current surge in heart issues. Diet and lifestyle can absolutely play a part, but the current narrative is that we have a sudden surge when it’s more likely due to this: read my post on the current narrative .

For a heart attack, if the patient is conscious, mix a tsp of powdered cayenne with water and give it to the person that is having the heart attack, and continue every 15 minutes.

When my dad had a heart attack, he took a large dose and was able to drive himself several miles into town for medical care. It likely saved his life!

According to Dr Christopher

“In 35 years of practice, I have never lost one heart attack patient. If they are still breathing, I pour down them a cup of cayenne tea (a teaspoon of cayenne in a cup of hot water), and within minutes they are up and around. The warm tea is faster working than tablets, capsules, cold tea, because the warm tea opens up the cell structure. It goes directly to the heart, through the artery system. Cayenne is a certain remedy for heart attack. As a stimulant, it can start the heart into action again, and as it facilitates blood flow throughout the body, it will keep the heart going."

The power of cayenne was proven by Keith Jones, PhD and a group of researchers from the Department of Pharmacology and Cell Biophysics at the University of Cincinnati.

When laboratory mice were induced to have a heart attack, a salve containing capsaicin was rubbed on the abdomen. It was found that the cayenne extract was able to prevent damage to the heart, with an 85 percent reduction in cardiac cell death caused by the episode.

“These are the most powerful cardio-protective effects recorded to date.”

If the patient is unconscious, then you may need to use a cayenne tincture.

Dr. Schulz’s tincture Dosage Recommendation:

Give about 7 drops of this tincture to a conscious patient who had a stroke or a heart attack. Give the patient another

7 drops after five minutes. Repeat this process until the condition of the patient improves.

If the patient is not conscious, place 2 drops of this tincture under the tongue, and start doing CPR. Repeat this process every five minutes until the condition of the patient improves.

Another reason cayenne is in my emergency kit…

Is it’s ability to stop bleeding within 10 seconds and control blood loss in under one minute.

We have used this multiple times, and it’s worked every time! Surprisingly it doesn’t sting nearly like you think it would, and actually has properties that help relieve the pain. We have had our fair share of deep cuts, puncture wounds, and a mangled fingertip thanks to an immersion blender. (Check out that post here)

Cayenne also has antibacterial properties that can help prevent infection and promote proper wound healing.

We have used both powdered form and tincture form, and generously applied it onto the wound after removing dirt or debris by rinsing with water. Our bleeding has always stopped within seconds!

Don’t forget to wash your hands afterwards, because you’ll end up with it in your eyes....and that DOES burn! But it won’t cause harm to your eyes, and is actually used in eyebright formulas to strengthen eyes or for infections etc. We have used it for this as well.

As crazy as it sounds, it has also been used on stomach ulcers. I personally used it daily to heal a stomach ulcer a few years ago, and it worked quickly! I added a good pinch to 8oz warm water with a tablespoon of ACV and local honey and drank twice daily until my ulcer was gone.

Add garlic to this tea and it turns into a powerful remedy to kick any cold and flu.

When added to any other herbal formula or supplement, cayenne will make the formula 10x more powerful.

I learned early on to take cayenne in tincture or powder form, as capsules can burn the belly when the capsules dissolve. When you take the tincture or powder in water, your mouth feels the heat and sends the message to your stomach to be ready. This doesn’t happen with capsules, and can cause stomach pain!

If you want to dig deeper, both Dr Christopher and Dr Richard Schulze have multiple success stories and protocols using cayenne. Dr Schulze adds it to all of his formulas for the reason listed above.

I buy my cayenne and use many of the formulas from Dr Schulze that can be found here.

(his heart formula is also a MUST for those with heart issues! It is a powerful combination of many other incredible herbs that benefit the heart in multiple ways)

Here are a few other benefits of this miracle herb:

  • It has been taken orally or nasally to treat internal hemorrhages inside the nose, stomach, throat or during a heavy menstrual cycle

  • Along with smart diet and lifestyle, it can help to manage blood sugar imbalances and diabetes

  • Researchers have found that cayenne pepper, with its active compound capsaicin, is able to stop the proliferation of cancer cells and induce a process called apoptosis

  • It can help osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, as well as joint or muscle pain from fibromyalgia or other causes, nerve pain from shingles and other painful skin conditions (postherpetic neuralgia), pain after surgery, such as a mastectomy or an amputation, pain from nerve damage such as diabetic peripheral neuropathy

  • It has also shown to benefit those with headaches and migraines.