Social Distancing: Week 6

We had a really productive week

Calix made some amazing baguettes and we had a French inspired feast

Calandra pulled an all nighter and finished writing a book she’s working on

Made paper boats to float in the rain

Built some raised beds for our garden veggies

Started teaching the kids French

Enjoyed an awesome Yummbox from Scandinavia

And Mitchell James and I had a fun date at the chiro!


To add to the fun of the stay at home order, we have also spent the week dealing with TWO cats that are in heat!

We had 3 animals scheduled to be fixed in early April and they cancelled, and as luck would have it, two of them went into heat. They went from innocent, playful kitties to promiscuous floozies overnight. I’ve caught them more than once wearing crop tops and bright red lipstick, trying to sneak out ANY open window or door. When they’re unsuccessful, they wail and moan and carry on throughout the night, with one sounding like a demon possessed whale and the other just sounds like a woman being tortured.

So that’s been fun.

One morning, I had Calestis in the stroller into the kitchen while I was doing dishes, and the kids love to take turns pushing her around the house. Caiphas was pushing her and came in the kitchen and pretend “rang the doorbell”, while announcing to me,

“Hi! It’s Jesus, and I’m here to deliver your baby! Let me check the delivery pad to see .....”

(looking at his pretend clipboard)

“Oh! It’s a girl and her name is .....let me check this delivery pad......

Her name is Calestis! And she’s ....”

(once again checking his delivery pad)

“3 months old!”

Oh my.

Earlier in the week he asked me how babies are delivered, and he had been watching a cartoon where a delivery service delivers baby animals to their new homes. So he was asking who my delivery person was, and wouldn’t listen to me that it didn’t work that way, so after 729 more questions I think I ended up saying Jesus was the delivery man. He played this delivery game with every kid and animal in our house, alllll day long.

I already had very little privacy or personal time before this craziness, but being home with everyone 24/7 has made it quite a bit more intense. I try hard to not take it for granted that I am (for some reason) the favorite person in the house, but there are times it is almost feels like a prank when EVERY TIME I even go to the bathroom, someone follows me or meets me in there.



Apparently our gorgeous house was built by savages because the bathrooms don’t have locks! Can you imagine what kind of monster would NOT have locks put on the bathroom doors?

I am NOT exaggerating when I say in ONE quick bathroom trip this week :

Carstyn busted in with his cup in hand, devastated and carrying on that he needed some Plexus and he was refusing to let anyone else make it for him. So he sat on the rug and waited for me, half crying.

Caiya came in to show me a picture of a rabbit she drew, followed by ....

Caiphas, who was crying and super upset that Caiya came in without letting him “deliver her” to me. (See his new game above) Which resulted in him dragging Caiya BACK IN and “delivering” her to me, while I was in the bathroom.

The next afternoon, when Calestis was asleep and all the kids were playing in the backyard I decided to take a bath. I *rarely* take baths, and once again, no joke the water was not even full yet when the door busts open, with Caiphas and Caiya dramatically yelling that Carstyn was hurt, and Cavilyn following close behind holding a screaming Carstyn in her arms. Carstyn has a huge splinter in his foot, so Cav sets Carstyn on the side of the tub and his dirty little feet dangle in, while Caiya gets me a needle. I am literally naked in the bath, trying to quickly dig this needle out of carstyn’s foot, 3 other kids gathered around holding him when Calandra walks in. I can’t even imagine how ridiculous we had to have looked, but you’ll be happy to know I got the splinter out.

Carstyn stays dirty and bruised. He is such a little bad ass with no fear and curiosity to learn and be involved in everything!! Always messing with bugs, or climbing on/getting into stuff, and he camps out on the counter to help us cook at least once a day. He “helps” a lot, and burns himself often! But he keeps coming back!

So one day while I was sitting on the porch he rolls by me on his scooter, trying to ROLL DOWN THE FRONT PORCH STEPS MADE OF STONE ...

I still can’t believe what I saw. I was too late to catch him and he hit that first step and went flying, flipping over the scooter and he and the scooter did flips the rest of the way down.

Just whyyyyyy?! He had some ridiculous scrapes and bruises, and I’d like to think he learned his lesson... but who knows?!

He also tried to juice a couple of rocks and ruined the juicer

Gotta love little boys!

I hope all of you parents that don’t normally homeschool are starting to learn how hard it is to keep a house clean with kids in it all the time. I don’t know how many times people have thought that because we are here all day that it must be easy to keep things clean.

It’s BECAUSE we are here all day that it stays dirty!

Not only do we cook three meals a day, plus the normal 27 ESSENTIAL quarantine snacks, but they are constantly changing the games they play, in the middle of them.

This week the middle 4 opened a salon outside by the AC units . They had lotion and shampoo and used the water hose to wash hair and used the AC units as their blow dryers.

As tempting as it sounded, I passed on getting my hair done so they ended up being each others’ only customers.

After they ran out of customers, they played “poor people” and set up camp in the garage. They drug out blankets, pillows, dolls, filled up backpacks and had a random assortment of poor people snacks.

(Side note here: My kids’ fav games to play have always been “poor people” and “jail”. I’m not really sure what it says about our family )

They also set up secondary camp in a small extra room where I have our vitamin D bed set up. This room connects to a half bathroom, and they stocked that bathroom shelf with snacks, bowls, plates, silverware and a first aid kit. Yes. IN THE BATHROOM. So if a guest comes over they can treat themselves to some cereal or peaches or crackers while going to the bathroom.

That night at bedtime Cavilyn had to go get Carstyn’s pajamas from a random packed bag bc they had loaded them all up for their “poor people” travels, and he had NO CLOTHES left!

So the mess for the day was shampoo, conditioner, soap and lotion in the driveway, blankets, pillows, dolls, backpacks stuffed with clothes, dishes, silverware, first aid kit, and a large assortment of food and snacks strewn about the garage, spare room and in the backyard — on the path to and from the trampoline.

This was ONE DAY OF PLAY! So a “clean house” is a pipe dream.

In other quarantine news, curbside opened up this week for all the retail shops. Which made me laugh because how does that work? How many people go retail shopping with a list?! 95% of a Target sales are from impulse buys, and 95% of the time I go into Williams Sonoma or Pottery Barn it’s just to spend hours aimlessly browsing alone.

Speaking of, pretty sure first thing I’m doing when Texas opens back up tomorrow is going to our outlet mall and have my alone time in Williams Sonoma/Pottery Barn outlet.

How’s it going for you guys? Update me on your state— are y’all opening back up tomorrow? What’s the first thing you’re planning?